Digital Computer Fundamentals Computer Science MCQs

1).  A CPU has:

a). Control unity consisting of program counter and instruction decoder, and arithmetic unit having accumulator

b). Bubble Memory

c).  Visual Display Unit

d). Auxiliary Storage Unit

2).  The Central Processing Unit (CPU) comprises of:

a). Memory, VDU, and printer

b). Input Device, Output Device, and Memory

c).  Store, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, and Control Unit

d). Store, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, and Supply Unit

3).  The entire computer system is coordinated by:

a). The ALU

b). The Accumulator

c).  Arithmetic Operators

d). The Control Unit

4).  During E-Time the ALU:

a). Examines the Instruction

b). Enters the Instruction

c).  Executes the Instruction

d). Elicits the Instruction

5).  The heart of a Digital Computer is:

a). Control Unit

b). Memory Unit

c).  Control Unit

d). Visual Display Unit

6).  The Unit that transforms data into information is the:

a). CPU

b). ROM

c).  DVD

d). OCR

7).  Computer Operations are synchronized by:

a). The CPU Clock

b). Mega Bytes

c).  The Binary System

d). E-Time

8).  Another Name for a Logic Chip is:

a). PROM

b). Memory

c).  Micro Processor

d). ROM

9).  Memory Capacity may be expressed in:

a). Micro Seconds

b).  Kilo Bytes

c).  Bits

d). Cycles

10).  The Clock speed of a computer is measured in:

a). Megahertz

b). Kilobytes

c).  Megabytes

d). Binary Digits

11).  Information travels between components of a computer through groups of wires called:

a). Cards

b). Busses     

c).  Slots

d). Ports

12).  Memory is divided into many numerically addressed:

a). Logic

b). Locations     

c).  Codes

d). Cells

13).  A bus line consists of:

a). Registers

b). Accumulators

c).  Parallel Data Paths

d). Machine Cycles

14).  The term word in computer terminology refers to:

a). Bits formed into groups

b). Coded instructions

c).  Memory Size

d). Language used

15).  Which of the following is an example of volatile memory?

a). ROM

b). RAM    

c).  PROM

d). Hard Disk

16).  Each location in primary storage is assigned a unique:

a). Data

b). Fields

c).  Name

d). Address

17).  Each location in primary storage is assigned a unique:

a). Data

b). Fields

c).  Name

d). Address  

18).  The different memory locations are identified by hexadecimal numbers called:

a). ASCII Code

b). Bytes

c).  BCD numbers

d). Addresses  

19).  The operation of arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is directed by:

a). The ALU itself

b). Program

c).  Control Unit

d). Memory Unit

20).  Which is not associated with the main memory of computer:

a). Semiconductor Memory

b). Core Memory

c).  Read Only Memory

d). Sequential Memory  

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