1- Who defined democracy as “a government in which everyone has a share”?
A). Rousseau
B). Bryce
C). Seeley✔️
D). Abraham Lincoln
2-The two forms of democracy are:
A). Parliamentary and Presidential
B). Direct and indirect✔️
C). Monarchical and Republican
D). None of the above
3- Which one of the following ancient thinkers regarded democracy as a perverted form of government?
A). Plato
B). Socrates
C). Aristotle✔️
D). Rousseau
4-Who said “Democracy is merely a mechanism for choosing and authorizing governments or in some other way getting laws and political decision made”.
A). Macpherson ✔️
B). J.S.Mill
C). Joseph Schumpeter
D). Lipset
5- The concept of tyranny of majority in democracy is advocated by:
A). Green
B). J.S.Mill✔️
C). Thomas Paine
D). De Tocqueville
6- Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of Liberal Democracy:
A). Party system
B). Periodic Elections
C). Fundamental rights
D). Democratic centralism✔️
7- Which theory of democracy attaches great importance to economic rights of citizens:
A). Marxist theory✔️
B). Elitist theory
C). Pluralist theory
D). All the above
8- The word ‘ Cratio’ stands for:
A). Power
B). People✔️
C). State
D). Sovereign
9- Who said that ‘ democracy is a form of government in which everyone has a share’?
A). Gettell✔️
B). Herodotus
C). Dicey
D). Seeley
10- Who defined democracy saying that ‘ democracy is a form of government in which will of the majority of the qualified persons rules’?
A). Dicey
B). Bryce✔️
C). Woodrow Wilson
D). Leacock
11- In democracy, sovereignty resides in:
A). Head of the state
B). Head of the government
C). Head of the judiciary
D). Among the people✔️
12- In a democratic society the people are valued on the basis of:
A). Their property
B). Their educational qualifications
C). Their nature of work
D). Their abilities and capabilities✔️
13- Land of direct democracy is:
A). India
C). East Germany
D). Switzerland✔️
14- Demos’ and ‘ Cratio’ are the words of language:
A). German
B). Greek✔️
C). Latin
D). Roman
15- The word ‘ Demos’ stands for:
A). Authority
B). Position
C). Power
D). People✔️
16- The word’ Cratio’ stands for:
A). Power
B). People
C). State
D). Government✔️
17- Who defined democracy saying that ‘ democracy is a form of Government in which will of the majority of the qualified persons rules’?
A). Dicey
B). Bryce✔️
C). Leacock
D). Woodrow Wilson
18- Who said that democracy is the Government of the people, for the people and by the people?
A). Lincoln✔️
B). Bryce
C). Dicey
D). Herodotus
19- In democracy, sovereignty resides in:
A). Head of the state
B). Head of the Government
C). Head of the judiciary
D). Among the people✔️
20- In true democracy interest looked after are those of:
A). Government
B). Party in power
C). Associations
D). Societies
E). People as a whole✔️
21- In a democratic society the people are valued on the basis of:
A). Their property
B). Their educational qualifications
C). Their nature of work
D). Their abilities and capabilities✔️
22- Land of direct democracy is:
A). India East Germany
B). USSR Switzerland✔️
C). One of the important
D). None of the above
23- One of the essential conditions for the success of democracy is that the people should be:
A). Propertied one
B). Educated✔️
C). Devoted to social service
D).Well versed in the game of politics
24- When the voters take part in the elections of representatives bodies themselves and elect the members, the system is known as:
A). Representative Democracy
B). Direct election✔️
C). Universal adult suffrage
D). Indirect democracy
25- Which of the following does not constitute an essential attribute of democracy?
A). Freedom of speech
B). Freedom of association
C). Freedom of religion
D). Equality of property✔️
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