Lecturer Political Science Solved MCQs Practice Test No. 23

1- Concept of protective discrimination implies:

A). Poor be protected from the rich✔️

B). Rich to protected from the stronger

C). Stronger be  protected from the rules

D). Rules be protected from the law

2-  Exponents of historical theory of rights believe that the rights:

A). Have been given by the society

B). Are the product of evolution✔️

C). Are given by the sovereign

D). Are of divine origin

3- Edmund Burke’s name is associated with:

  1. A) Legal theory of rights

B). Natural theory of rights

C). Idealist theory of rights

D). Historical theory of rights✔️

4- Who of the following said that rights are crystallization of customs?

A). Dr. Asirvatham

B). Ritchie✔️

C). Authors of French Revolution

D). Edmund Burke

5- Historical theory of rights has been criticised because:

A). It is too wide.

B). It is too narrow✔️

C). It is too complicated

D). It is difficult to understand

6- One of the oldest theories about rights is theory of:

A). Natural rights✔️

B). Legal rights

C). Idealist theory of rights

D). Historical theory of rights

7- Theory of natural rights was supported by:

A). Hobbes

B). Locke

C). Rousseau✔️

D). None of the above

8- Theory of natural rights has been criticised because it makes rights:

A). Too flexible

B). Too rigid

C). Too static✔️

D). Too un- understandable

9- Which theory believes that law is the only source, which gives us rights?

A). Theory of natural rights

B). Idealist theory of rights

C). Legal theory of rights✔️

D). Natural theory of rights

10- Who said that outward conditions and rights are necessary to the national life?

A). Liber✔️

B). Keruse

C). Edmund Burke

D). Cicero

11- Idealist believe about rights that these should deal with:

A). Maintaining property

B). Maintaining judicial system

C). Development of human personality✔️

D). Development of religion

12- The rights which are supposed to have been enjoyed by the people even in the state of nature are called:

A). Fundamental rights

B). Moral rights

C). Civil rights✔️

D). Natural rights

13- The rights which have more concern with inward rather than outward actions are called:

A). Moral rights✔️

B). Civil rights

C). Natural rights

D). Political rights

14- The rights against which state cannot enact law, and if enacted can be declared invalid are called:

A). Social rights

B). Moral rights

C). Political rights

D). Fundamental rights✔️

15- The rights which can be enforced with the punitive powers of the state are known as:

A). International rights

B). Legal rights✔️

C). Civil rights

D). Political rights

16- The right to have a family life is:

A). Moral rights

B). Political rights

C). Civil rights

D). Natural rights✔️

17- Individuals can’t claim any rights against:

A). The council of Ministers

B). Prime minister

C). State✔️

D). Sovereign

18- Rights and duties are:

A). Contradictory

B). Clashing and at cross purpose

C). Co- related✔️

D). Not concerned with each other

19- II rights enjoyed by the citizens must be compatible with:

A). Culture

B). Civilization

C). International understanding

D). Common welfare✔️

20- Which of the following theory believes that rights are conditions, which contribute and help in the promotion of common good?

A). Historical

B). Natural

C). Social welfare✔️

D). Legal

21- Which of the following is not a political rights of citizens?

A). Right to vote

B). Right to get elected

C). Right to education✔️

D). Right to resist

22- Which of the following theory explains clearly the nature of rights?

A). Social welfare theory✔️

B). Theory of natural rights

C). Historical theory of rights

D). None of the above

23- Which of the following is true about Locke regarding rights of an individual, i.e. he gets these from:

A). God

B). State

C). Society

D). Nature✔️

24- Which of the following is not a natural right according to Locke?

A). Right to life.

B). Right to liberty.

C). Right to property.

D). Right to work✔️

25- Who of the following is not associated with the theory of natural rights?

A). Thomas

B). Hobbes

C). Bentham✔️

D). Locke

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