Political Science Past Paper Solved MCQs Online Test No. 80

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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Political Science
Subject Political Science Test 80
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Lecturer Political Science Online Test No. 80

1 / 25

From the following philosopher, Marx learnt the importance of a dialectical philosophy.

2 / 25

The Marxian theory of Surplus Value is largely derived from the theory of:

3 / 25

Who is a Guild socialist?

4 / 25

According to Marxism, the epoch of social revolution begins:

5 / 25

Who among the following propagated the idea of Cultural Revolution under Socialism?

6 / 25

Who among the following propounded the doctrine of 'socialism in one country'?

7 / 25

According to the Marxian theory of the Materialist Interpretation of History, the most fundamental factor in the evolution of the state and society is:

8 / 25

One of the significant contributions of Marxism in the twentieth century is the conception of 'The Intellectuals' developed by:

9 / 25

Lenin's first important theoretical work relates to:

10 / 25

Which one of the following doctrines rejects the role of the State as an instrument of social transformation?

11 / 25

Marx's concept of alienation is characteristic of one of the following of his writings:

12 / 25

Which of the following is not a statement of Karl Marx?

13 / 25

Which of the following is the basis of Marxism?

14 / 25

Economic factor, for Marx and for Engels or the material factor was:

15 / 25

The following value is Marx's significant phenomenon on which capitalism flourishes:

16 / 25

The formula "from each according to his ability to each according to his work for the system of distribution in the State was given by:

17 / 25

In the Marxian Political discourse, ideology signifies:

18 / 25

Lenin reached the conclusion that the disintegration of capitalism would begin in the:

19 / 25

Marx's economics owes its inspiration to:

20 / 25

In the process of modification of Marxism after Marx, 'Socialism in one Country Vs. Permanent Revolution' was the crus f the controversy between:

21 / 25

The Marxist principle accepted by the Fabian Socialists is:

22 / 25

Who among the following thinkers has attempted to apply structuralism to the study of Marxist socialism?

23 / 25

Marx's dialectical materialism was:

24 / 25

A contemporary Marxist challenged the humanist theory of Marxism and asserted its structuralist interpretation is:

25 / 25

Which one of the following is not a tenet of Stalinism?

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