PPSC FPSC Lecturer Political Science MCQs Online Test No. 98

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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Political Science
Subject Political Science Test 98
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Lecturer Political Science Online Test No. 98

1 / 25

A unitary government:

2 / 25

Which one of the following countries has a unitary system of government?

3 / 25

Bonapartism implies:

4 / 25

In the Presidential system of government the cabinet members are:

5 / 25

In a unitary system of government:

6 / 25

Which of the following principles distinguishes the cabinet system from the Presidential system?

7 / 25

Who is called the keystone of the cabinet arch in a parliamentary system?

8 / 25

Which one of the following countries does not have unitary system of government?

9 / 25

The Unitary State is stronger than a Federal one because all powers of government are concentrated in the hands of one single set of authorities. Hence there is:

10 / 25

In which of the following federal systems decentralization is implemented under the 'grassroots doctrine?

11 / 25

Dual federalism implies that:

12 / 25

Which of the following are called the 'palace guards, in the United States?

13 / 25

Which of the following countries possesses a federal government?

14 / 25

In a federal system:

15 / 25

Which of the following statements regarding Parliamentary and Presidential forms of government is correct?

16 / 25

Which of the following combination of countries do not have presidential form of government?

17 / 25

A telling example of a fusion of the presidential and parliamentary forms of government is provided by:

18 / 25

Which of the following combination has semi presidential form of government?

19 / 25

In a unitary government:

20 / 25

The units under unitary government enjoy:

21 / 25

"All the ministers sail and sink together." This is true of the following form of government:

22 / 25

Which of the following combinations has all federal states?

23 / 25

The authority possessed by local bodies in a unitary system of government is:

24 / 25

To which of the following theories does the presidential form of government owe its roots?

25 / 25

Federation implies:

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