1- The ability to think in novel and unusual ways is called:
(A). Positive thinking
(B). Problem solving
(C). Creativity✔️
(D). None
2- Which is basic emotion?
(A). Surprise
(B). Withdrawal
(C). Fear✔️
(D). Fighting
3- Piaget presented the theory of:
(A). Cognitive development✔️
(B). Psychomotor development
(C). Moral development
(D). None
4- Model of eight types of learning was designed by:
(A). Binet
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne✔️
(D). Stern
5- The process of Adaptation in Piagetian Cognitive Development theory is:
(A). Assimilation and recognition
(B) Assimilation and Accommodation✔️
(C). Above all
(D). None
6- The process of helping individual make life adjustment at home school and other phases of:
(A). Counseling
(B). Guidance✔️
(C). Advice
(D). None
7- Hierarchy of needs was presented by:
(A). Maslow✔️
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne
(D). Stern
8- At which stage of cognitive development the child develops object permanence:
(A). Sensori motor✔️
(B). Pre operational
(C). Concrete operational
(D). None
9- The pioneer of identifying individual differences was:
(A). Francis Galton✔️
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne
(D). Stern
10- Which is the basic Emotion?
(A). Love✔️
(B). Surprise
(C). Hate
(D). None
11-Who was the first psychologist?
(A). Aristotle✔️
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne
(D). Stern
12- Founder of socio psychological development was:
(A). Erikson✔️
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne
(D). Stern
13- Another name of working memory is:
(A). Shot term memory✔️
(B). Sensory memory
(C). Long term memory
(D). None
14-Perception and attention play major role in:
(A). Short term memory
(B). Long term memory ✔️
(C). Sensory memory
(D). None
15- Logical thinking according to Jean Piaget starts at the stages of:
(A). Sensori motor
(B). Pre operational
(C). Concrete operational✔️
(D). None
16- Experiments on learning by insight were performed by:
(A). Kohler✔️
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne
(D). Stern
17- Translation of concrete experiences, development of logical thinking are given by:
(A). Piaget ✔️
(B). Watson
(C). Gagne
(D). Stern
18- Theory of self-actualization and sense of identity was presented by:
(A). Maslow✔️
(B). Gagne
(C). Stern
(D). Watson
19- The fourth five-year plan was started in:
(A). 1962.
(B). 1963
(C). 1970 ✔️
(D). 1973
20- In which year, the fifth five-year plan was started?
(A). 1972
(B). 1974
(C). 1978✔️
(D). 1979
21- The sixth five-year plan was started in:
(A). 1983✔️
(B). 1982
(C). 1985
(D). 1988
22- There was no national development programme or plan before:
(A). 1950
(B). 1951✔️
(C). 1948
(D). 1949
23- National Bank Foundation was established under the education policy?
(A). 1972✔️
(B). 1959
(C). 1947
(D). 1970
24-The graduates of Islamic Madarasas got Government services under the education policy of:
(A). 1979✔️
(B). 1970
(C). 1959
(D). 1992
25- Permission for establishing private educational institutions was granted in the education policy of:
(A). 1992
(B). 1978✔️
(C). 1959
(D). 1970
Lecturer Education Online Tests