Political Science MCQ for KKPSC PPSC FPSC Practice Test 6

1- Who said that the state is expansion of family?

A). Plato

B). Aristotle✔️

C). Locke

D). Newton

2- which one of the following statements is correct?

A). Society is a creation of state

B). Society receives its power from state

C). Society is prior to the state✔️

D). Society is a territorial organization

3- The state is:

A). A cultural association

B). A philanthropic association

C). An ethical association

D). A compulsory association✔️

4- Who said that the state comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good life?

A). Aristotle✔️

B). Plato

C). Cicero

D). Machiavelli

5- who defined state as

“A Union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self- sufficing life by which we mean a happy and honorable life”.

A). Plato

B). Aristotle✔️

C). Hobbes

D). Barker

6- who defined state as”a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory independent or nearly so of external control, and possessing an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience”?

A). Laski

B). Garner

C). Bluntschli

D). Holland✔️

7- who said that ” A state is that agency in a society that is 17 uthorized to exercise coercive control within a territory”.

A). Maclver

B). Anderson and Parker✔️

C). Durkheim

D). Max Weber

8- Who said ” I am the state”

A). James II of England

B). Napoleon I of France

C). Louis XIV of France✔️

D). Hitler of Germany

9- Who of the following first of all propounded the organic theory of state?

A). Machiavelli

B). Plato✔️


D). Herbert spencer

10- The organic theory of state holds:

A). The state is the result of a social contract

B).The state is a divine creation

C). The state is the result of force

D). The state is a living organism, rather a living spiritual being✔️

11- Who said ” The state is prior to the individual just as a whole is prior to its parts”

A). Herbert spencer

B). Laski

C). Karl Marx

D). Aristotle✔️

12- The state is primarily a:

A). Social association

B). Economic association

C). Political association✔️

D). Socio- economic- cum- political association

13- The term ‘state’  as drawn from the word  ‘status’ was for the first time used by:

A). The Greeks

B). The Germans

C).The Teutons✔️

D).The Romans

14-” will, not force, is the basis of state” was stated by:

A). Hegel

B). Bosanquet

C). Green✔️

D). Kant

15- who regarded the state as an instrument of exploitation of one class by another?

A). Plato

B). Aristotle

C). Grotius

D). Marx✔️

16- who regarded the state as the highest embodiment of morality:

A). Aristotle

B). Kant✔️


D). All the above

17- Which one of the following is the most popular nation of state in modern times?

A). Legal nation

B). Ethical nation

C). Constitutional nation

D). Welfare nation✔️

18- Who said that ‘state is the community permanently established for a political end’?

A). Stuart Hall✔️


C). Woodrow

D). Hegel

19- Who said that state is a territorial society divided into government and the subjects?

A). Garner✔️

B). Laski

C). Austin

D). Hegel

20- Who said that the state is a people organized for law within a definite territory?

A). Oppenheim✔️

B). Laski

C). Austin

D). Hegel

21- State has been defined as ‘ human society with political differentiations existing in it between the governed and the governor’s by?

A). Duguit✔️


C). Woodrow Wilson

D). Hegel

22- The most acceptable definition of state that it has four essential ingredients was given by?

A). Garnet✔️


C). Woodrow Wilson

D). Hegel

23- These days for studying problems of state the approach followed is:

A). Traditional

B). Disciplinary

C). Inter- disciplinary✔️

D). None of these

24- Who said that a nation is a body of men who cherish a common will and tend to have a separate state?

A). Barker✔️

B). Laski

C). Austin

D). Hegel

25- Which one of the following methods for the study of problems of state of his times was uses by Aristotle?

A). Inductive

B). Deductive

C). Philosophical

D). Comparative✔️

Useful Links:-

Lecturer Political Science Online Tests


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