Political Science MCQ for KKPSC PPSC FPSC Practice Test 5

1- Plato fixed the population of an ideal state at:

A). 1,900 persons

B). 5,040 persons✔️

C). 10,000 persons

D). 1,00,000 persons

2- Rousseau believed that an ideal state should consist of:

A). 10,000 persons✔️

B). 50,000 persons

C). 27,000 persons

D). Did not fix any number

3- Which one of the following writers does not consider territory as an essential element of state?

A). Aristotle

B). Hobbes

C). Seeley✔️

D). Laski

4- Which one of the following is not an element of state?

A). Population

B). Religion✔️

C). Territory

D). Sovereignty

5- which one of the following is a state?

A). Burma✔️

B). Punjab

C). Commonwealth of Nations

D). United Nations Organization

6- which one of the following is not a state?

A). Bhutan

B). Burma

C). Sikkim✔️

D). Bangladesh

7-The territory of a state consists of:

A). Land

B). Land and sea

C). Land, rivers and mountains

D). Land, territorial water and air space✔️

8- The largest state in terms of population is:



C). India

D). China✔️

9- The largest state in terms of territory is:

A). China

B). India


D). Soviet Union✔️

10- which one of the following statements is correct?

A). The government is the master while the state is its agent

B). The state is the master while the government is its agent✔️

C). Government and state are one  and the same thing

D). The authority of the state is limited while that of the government is unlimited

11- A state must possess:

A). A democratic government

B). Parliamentary government

C). Presidential government

D). Some kind of government✔️

12-Membership of state is:

A). Compulsory✔️

B). Voluntary

C). Unnecessary

D). Not desirable

13- According to Aristotle:

A). State is a divine institution

B). State is an artificial creation

C). State is a creation of force

D). State is a natural institution✔️

14- The statement that “A man who lives outside the polis is either a beast or a god” is attributed to:

A). Plato

B). Aristotle✔️

C). Hobbes

D). Hegel

15- The Marxist hold that:

A). The state is a class structure

B). State represents only the workers

C). State represents the entire community

D). State is a power system✔️

16- A person can be a member of:

A). Not more than two states at a time

B). Only one state at a time✔️

C). Not more than three states at a time

D). Can be member of any number of states

17- The statement that the state is an ethical institution which is indispensable for the full moral development of man is attributed to:

A). Individualists

B). Anarchists

C). Idealists✔️

D). Marxists

18- who said ‘ man is a social animal’?

A). Aristotle✔️

B). Plato

C). Rousseau

D). Laski

19- The view that the state is a necessary evil is associated with:

A). Individualists✔️

B). Anarchists

C). Marxists

D). Sophists

20- The view that the state is an unmitigated evil is attributed to:

A). Idealists

B). Individualists

C). Socialists

D). Anarchists✔️

21- The view that the state is an executive committee of the exploiting class is associated with:

A). Individualists

B). Idealists

C). Marxists✔️

D). Anarchists

22- The term ‘ city state’ is used for:

A). The states in ancient Greece✔️

B).The local government bodies in England

C). Small states of modern times

D). The states of a federation

23- The modern state is:

A). National state✔️

B). International state

C). Regional state

D). Federal state

24- A secular state is one which is:

A). Irreligious

B). Anti- religious

C). Pro- religious

D). Has no religious of its own✔️

25- who said that the state is expansion of family?

A). Plato

B). Aristotle✔️

C). Locke

D). Newton

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