PPSC FPSC KPPSC BPSC SPSC Lecturer English Online Test No. 5

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There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer English
Subject Lecturer English Test 5
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

PPSC Lecturer English Practice Test 5

1 / 25

George Elict produced her first full length novel, Adam Bede, at the age of :

2 / 25

Sejanus is a saurical tragedy, by:

3 / 25

Which of these is not a linguistic aspect of communicative competence?

4 / 25

According to Hardy’s own classification his novels fall into ……………groups:

5 / 25

Sylvia Plath and led Hughes were:

6 / 25

……………is considered to be the pioneer of stream of consciousness techniques in modern fiction:

7 / 25

‘Waiting for Godot, was originally written in …………..language:

8 / 25

The tragicomedy of Shakespeare are also called:

9 / 25

Synesthesia means:

10 / 25

Why according to Polonius, has Hamlet gone mad?

11 / 25

A poem morning someone’s death is called:

12 / 25

Which of the following Hardy’s novel describes a deadly war waged between flesh and spirit?

13 / 25

Gothic novels flourished in the late ………..century:

14 / 25

Who wrote the poem ‘The Winding Stair’?

15 / 25

Gothic novel was written in the style popular in ………and ………………century:

16 / 25

How does Gulliver earn the title of Nardac in Lilliput?

17 / 25

“The Pickwick Papers” is a novel by:

18 / 25

Who believed that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotions?

19 / 25

Novel ‘The elgoist’ ascribed as a comedy in narrative was written by:

20 / 25

George Eliot’s novels are interesting because they reflect more clearly than any other ………..novels they movement of contemporary:

21 / 25

Fictional scientific romance ‘Tim machine the visible man, was written by:

22 / 25

According to T.S. Eliot unified sensibility of …………was the most assiduous imitation:

23 / 25

Which is the famous elegy written by Shelley?

24 / 25

Negative capability to Keats, means:

25 / 25

The legend of ‘Holygrail’ provides the frame work of ……………poem:

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The average score is 53%


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