Online Preparation PAF Intelligence Test 5  is the  right plateform because  here you can get unlimited MCQs, Verbal Intelligence Tests and attempt Online Quiz free of cost. You  can prepare Online Preparations for the Pakistan Air Force. You must attempt our these online Intelligence tests because these tests will be very helpful to you. All of these Verbal Intelligence tests are made by the Recommenced Books, PAF Past Past Papers, and the pattern of these are according to the PAF tests.  You can attempt all these intelligence test and check your score. It is our advice please attempt every test 4-5 times for better preparation. All Candidates who want to appear in PAF can prepare their Examination easily here.


There will be 20 multiple choice question in the test.
Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start this test.
Practice this test at least 5 times if you want to secure High Marks.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Pak Forces Test 
Subject Intelligence Test 5
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 20 Minutes
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Verbal Intelligence Test No. 5

1 / 20

Which word does not belog to the list?

2 / 20

FISH is to SWIMMING as SNAKE is to ......................

3 / 20

831 is to 25 as 731 is to..................?

4 / 20

473982 is to 1419 and 329684 is to 1418 therefore 751694 is to?

5 / 20

WITHERS is to NECK as HOCK is to:

6 / 20

Write the middle letter?

B             C             D             E              F              G             H            

7 / 20

Divide largest of these numbers by the difference of two smaller numbers then answer will be?

8                              10                           6

8 / 20

Which word does not belong the  list?

9 / 20


What day comes immediately before the day that comes two days after the day that comes four days before the day that comes immediately after Thursday?

10 / 20

SAW is to SEED as REAP is to....................

11 / 20

Subtract 7 from 25 and divided the result by 3 if the answer is less than 10 write X, otherwise write Y

12 / 20

What number comes next in the series?

13           15           17           19           21

13 / 20

Subtract the smallest number from largest and divide the result by first number then answer will be?

4                              3                              15          

14 / 20

Aslam was 21 years old in 1945, how old will be He in 1965?

15 / 20

BILLY is to GOAT as JACK is to:

16 / 20

TIGHT is to LOOSE as HARD is to.....................

17 / 20

KITE is to KITTEN as DOG is to...................

18 / 20

FLY is to AEROPLANE as SAIL is to........................

19 / 20

Which word does not belong to the list?

20 / 20

Which one is the odd one out?

Bow,      Portal,                  Rose,                     Bay,                      Lancet  

Your score is

The average score is 60%


Useful Links:-

PAF Online Preparation Verbal Intelligence Test 1

PAF Online Preparation Verbal Intelligence Test 2

PAF Online Preparation Verbal Intelligence Test 3

PAF Online Preparation Verbal Intelligence Test 4


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