Fundamental of Computers Solved MCQs


Programming Fundamentals

1).  A computer can be defined as an electronic device that can (choose the most precise definition):

a). Carry out arithmetic Operation

b). Carry out logical operation

c).  Do complicated calculation

d). Accept and process data by implementing sequentially a set of stored instructions

2). A computer drives its basic strength from:

a). Speed

b). Accuracy

c).  Memory

d).  All of above

3). A computer is capable of performing almost any task, provided that it can be:

a). Coded

b). Memorized

c).  Analyzed

d). Reduced to a series logical steps

4). The computer program consists of mainly the following number of parts:

a). 2

b). 3

c).  4

d). 5

5). A computer has very high speed, accuracy and reliability. Its intelligent quotients could bas of the order of:

a). 0

b). 10

c).  15

d). 5

6). Raw data is process by the computer into:

a). Number sheets

b). updates

c).  paragraphs

d). information

7). Rearranging of data in a sequence is called:

a). Updating

b). Editing

c).  Batching

d).  Sorting

8). A data arranged in intelligible form is called:

a). Processed Data

b). Program

c).  Software

d). Information

9). The most powerful computers are:

a). Super Minis

b). Super Micros

c).  Super Mainframes

d). Super Computers

10). The Basic Operations Performed by a Computer is:

a). Arithmetic

b). Logic Operations

c).  Storage and retrieval operations

d). All of the Above

11). A computer can’t anything without:

a). Program

b). Input Device

c).  Output Device

d). VDU

12). Which of following is associated with second generation computers:

a). Transistors

b). Magnetic Core Memory

c).  High Level Procedural Language

d). All of the above

13). Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC Machine) belongs to the:

a). First Generation Digital Computer

b). Second Generation Computer

c).  Third Generation Computer

d). Fourth Generation Computer

15). Pick out the wrong statement about computers:

a). It is a Logical Machine

b). It can access any piece of information that is has in store

c).  It is devoid of emotion, has no feelings or instincts

d). It approaches its information is unrestricted manner.

16). Stored instructions and data in a digital computer consist of:

a). Alphabets

b). Numerals

c).  Characters

d). Bits

17). A digital computer performs its computations by:

a). Mechanical Means

b). Analogy

c).  Guessing

d). Counting

18). Binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers express each decimal digits as:

a). Binary Digits

b). Nibble

c).  Word

d). Byte

19). The use of computer business applications is attractive because of its:

a). Accuracy

b). Reliability

c).  Magnetic Disk

d). None of the Above

20). The analog computer deals directly with:

a). Number of Pulses

b). Punched Card

c).  Magnetic Disk

d). None of the Above

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