1- Religious and secular approach (s) of social work is/are:
(a). There evidence ample historical that among early civilized people’s precept and practice ministered to the poor, the unfortunate, and the afflicted.
(b). This Is true of the early Egyptians, the Jewish people, and Christians. Judaism, and later Christianity, enjoined benevolence and mutual aid
(c). In Europe monastic orders offered food, clothing, and shelter to the destitute.
(d). And in a static world, a world that looked not to this one for solace and comfort but to the world beyond
(e). All of the above✔️
2- System of voluntary collection having features:
(a). Under voluntary agents furnished neither the necessary funds nor the essential stability of personnel to ensure even a modicum of relief.
(b). By 1572 overseers of the poor were appointed as civil officers to direct the expenditure of tax funds levied upon the local community for the purpose of relieving the poor.
(c). Here materials for work were to be provided for the unemployed to the end that work habits might be instilled, and relief by administered on a quid pro quo basis..
(d). All of the above✔️
3- The Elizabethan poor law – 1601:
(a). It was during the latter days of the reign of Queen Elizabeth that the confused jumble of vagrancy and poverty laws came to be welded into the organic unity that we have since called the Elizabethan Poor Law
(b). It is the 1601 revision of the Act passed in 1598 which brought order out of chaos and established the basis of poor relief in England, and even America, for over three hundred years.
(c). The Act of 1601, often referred to as 43 Elizabeth, established three categories of relief recipients; the able-bodied poor, the impotent poor (unemployables), and dependent children.
(d). All of the above ✔️
4- The term social worker is:
(a). To graduates of educational programmes in social work who are employed in the field of social welfare.
(b). A social worker is a change agent, a help who is specifically employed for the purpose of creating planned change.
(c). As a change agent a social worker is expected to be skilled at working with individuals. groups, families and organization and bringing about community changes.
(d). All of the above ✔️
5- Basic concepts/approaches of social work are:
(a). Social work possesses its own distinctive body of knowledge, evolved over a long period of time.
(b). The current general concepts of social work are numerous and cannot be treated here in detail. Some, however, need to be mentioned and commented on briefly.
(c). The modern concept of social work is relatively new in Pakistan.
(d). Consequently it is not well in our country and has not been adopted as such in the real sense of the term. Some spade work has no doubt been done but still a lot of ground remains to be covered.
(e). Social work is it dynamic activity that had developed out of, and influenced by, evolving social, economic, political and cultural factors.
(f). As such the development of social work in Pakistan has to be studied in its historical background and in relation to our socio-economic conditions.
(g). All of the above✔️
6- Charity Approach is:
(a). In the wake of these social problems there was a realization that the existing charitable approach was ill-suited to meet the demands of our present situation.
(b). Social service was not always considered an end in itself, but often a means to an end, which could be anything from spiritual enhancement to self-projection.
(c). Such attitudes have been generally harmful.
(d). The dignity of an individual was often forgotten and it became
common practice to look down upon those in distress.
(e). A need was felt to organize a social welfare movement on systematic lines, in order to eradicate socio-economic problems and the resulting evils.
(f). All of the above✔️
7- Professional approach is:
(a). This challenge has been taken up by professional social work which has a specialized system of knowledge and employs well-developed skills and trained personnel.
(b). Has a scientific basis and a progressive approach and instead of offering palliatives, it emphasizes on preventive aspects and undertakes long term rehabilitation.
(c). This kind of social work embodying a professional base is slowly developing in Pakistan.
(d). All of the above✔️
8- Modern concept of social work is:
(a). As a profession has a relatively recent origin; therefore,confusion regarding its definition, philosophy and functions is but natural.
(b). Professor Clarke rightly points out: “Very few writers actually define social work; rather they describe its history, its activities and processes, its functions and objectives – its nature”.
(c). This confusion is owing to the fact that social work is still in an evolutionary stage.
(d). There are countries where social work is still equated with social welfare and social service, the concept therefore, differs from place to place..
(e). However, its essence remains the same.
(f). All of the above✔️
9- What does Social Work stand for?
(a). In the last two decades of the 20 century tremendous changes have taken place.
(b). On a world-wide scale a global war has been waged; new nations have come into being giant nations have striven for the world-wide extension of their ideas, of their political and economic systems.
(c). In America we have emerged from an economic depression; have participated in that world wide war; have learned that other peoples do not accept our ideas just because they are ours.
(d). We have had to ask ourselves what as a nation and a people we-are for.
(e). When we undertake to state as simply as possible what we are for, we say we are for democracy.
(f). Then it is that we are obliged to examine not only our protestations or affirmations, but, more importantly, our practices in Islam, what we do.
(g). All of the above✔️
10- Who said that “Social Work is the provision of services designed to aid individuals, single or in groups, in coping with present and psychological obstacles that prevent or are likely to prevent full and effective participation in society. Such services, however, are limited on the one hand by agency function and the worker’s competence, on the other, by already, established profession, by well defined functional area and by certain -practices and prejudices”
(a). Herbert Bisno ✔️
(b). WA. Friedlander
(c). H.H. Stroup
(d). None of these
11- Who said that: “Social work in a professional service, based upon scientific knowledge and skill in human relations which assists individuals, alone or in groups to obtain social and personal satisfaction and independence? It is usually performed by a social agency or a related organization”:
(a). Herbert Bisno
(b). W.A. Friedlander✔️
(c). H.H. Stroup
(d). None of these
12- Who said “The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social system, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice and fundamental to social work”
(a).International Federation of Social Workers 2000✔️
(b). Herbert Bisno
(c). W.A. Friedlander
(d). H.H. Stroup
13- Who said “Social work seeks to enhance the social functioning of individuals singly and in groups, by activities focussed upon their social relationships which constitute the interaction between man and his environment. These activities can be grouped into three functions; restoration of impaired capacity, provision of individual and social resources and prevention of social dysfunction”:
(a). Herbert Bisno
(b). WA. Friedlander
(c). H.H. Stroup
(d). WW Bochm✔️
14- Who said “Social work is a welfare activity based on humanitarian philosophy, scientific knowledge and technical skills, for helping individuals or groups or communities to live a rich and full life”:
(a). Indian Conference of Social Work✔️
(b). WA. Friedlander
(c). H.H. Stroup
(d). W.W. Bochm
15- Who said “Social work may be defined as art, a science, a an profession which helps people to solve personal, group (especially family) and community problems and to attain satisfying personal, group and community relationships through use of certain methods including case work, group work, community organization and the enabling processes of research and administration. Social work not only helps people to solve problems but also assists them to prevent problems and enrich daily living”:
(a). Indian Conference of Social Work
(b). W.A. Friedlander
(c). H.H. Stroup
(d). Rex A Skidmore and Milton G. Thackeray✔️
16- Who said “Social Work as certain social processes applied to individuals, groups, and communities. Social work, from this viewpoint, is not a cause, it is a social function”:
(a). W.A. Friedlander
(b). H.H. Stroup
(c). Herbert Hewitt Stroup✔️
(d) W.W.Bochm
17-The definitions suggest the essential characteristics of social work:
(a). A helping profession
(b). An art based on scientific knowledge and insight
(c). A value-oriented profession
(d). A problem-solving activity
(e). A non-profitable activity.
(f). All of the above✔️
18- The salient features of social work as pointed out by the First International Survey conducted by the Social Commission of the United Nations are:
(a). It is a helping activity, designed to give assistance in respect of problems that prevent individuals, families and groups from achieving a minimum desirable standard of social and economic well-being.
(b). It is a social activity carried on not for personal profit by private practitioners but under the auspices of organizations – governmental
(c). It is a liaison activity, through which disadvantaged individuals, families and groups may tap all the resources in the community available to meet their unsatisfied needs.
(d). All of the above✔️
19- Role of social work in changing society is:
(a). Obligation of society to individual
(b). Role of Social Institutions
(c) Responsibilities of social work
(d). All of the above ✔️
20- The profession of social work is committed to the principles that democratic society exists for the benefit of its individual members. Such a society must, therefore, be so ordered that its common resources are devoted to assuring to each of those members:
(a). Opportunity for full growth and development
(b). The means for meeting economic needs in terms of the standards its productivity makes possible
(c). Provisions of mutual aid for meeting those needs in which social interdependence is a basic factor
(d). A share in advancing and benefiting from the cumulative human heritage of knowledge, culture, and social organization
(e). Full participation in democratic social relationships
(f). All of the above✔️
21- Role of social institutions is/are:
(a). A free society fulfills these obligations to its members through a wide range of social institutions including the family, voluntary association, economic enterprise and government.
(b). All of these are necessary to a functioning social order and each develops in terms of its own appropriate role in meeting changing needs.
(c). While this document is concerned with governmental functions and policies, it is important that these be seen in their total social context.
(d). Support for a governmental policy implies no lack of support for the corresponding functions of the family, voluntary association, or private economic enterprise..
(e). On the contrary, the very variety of our social institutions provides a basic dynamism for social progress and a safeguard for the welfare of the individual.
(f). All of the above✔️
22- Responsibilities of social work are:
(a). Social work is the profession which concerns itself with the facilitating and strengthening of basic Social relationships between individuals, groups, and social institutions.
(b). It has, therefore, a social action responsibility which derives directly from its social functions and professional knowledge.
(c). Both (a) & (b)✔️
(d). None of these
23-The responsibility lies in which areas:
(a) The identification, analysis, and interpretation of specific unmet needs among individuals and groups of individuals.
(b). Advancing the standard of recognized social obligation between society
(c). The application of specific knowledge, experience
(d). All of the above✔️
24- Concept of social work in Pakistan relates to:
(a). Social work has yet to attain a professional status and is still considered a charitable activity to help the poor and needy.
(b). The tradition of giving assistance to the poor and disabled is very old in our country.
(c). It has been strongly supported by religious precepts and moral standards.
(d). All of the above✔️
25- Nature of social work:
(a). An enabling profession
(b). A problem solving process
(c). Auspices under which social work is organized
(d). All of the above✔️
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