Political Science MCQ for PPSC FPSC NTS Practice Test 2

1- Historical approach is:

A). Descriptive✔️

B). Analytical

C). Clinical

D). Positivistic

2- One of the following is an advocate of historical approach:

A). Henry Maine✔️

B). Robert Dahl

C). Coleman

D). Lipset

3- The term ‘ Historicism’ was made popular by:

A). Sabine

B). Foster

C). Oakeshott

D). Popper✔️

4- The following is not common between empiricism and behaviourlism:

A). Study of facts

B). Scientific analysis

C). Distrust for values

D). Macro study✔️

5- The following is true about rational choice theory:

A). Stress on materialistic factor

B). Individuals as key actors✔️

C). Institutions as key to all knowledge

D). Olson and Marx are its advocates

6- One of the following is the characteristic feature of post – behaviorism.

A). Action and Values

B). Relevance and Action✔️

C). Ethics and values

D). Action and Ethics

7- ‘The decline of Political theory’ debate argues on the following:

A). Present rather than past✔️

B). Remote rather than immediate

C). Value- laden rather than value free

D). Subjectivity rather than objectivity

8- ‘The debate on the decline of Political theory was in vogue during:





9- ‘Ideology ‘ is described as:

A). A belief system✔️

B). Civilization

C). Theocracy

D).  None of the above

10- One of the following is not the work of Fukuyama:

A). Our post human Future

B). The Marxists✔️

C). The end of history and the last man

D). America at the crossroads

11- Fukuyama relied on the following for his thesis on the end of history:

A). Marx

B). Popper

C). Weber

D). Hegel✔️

12- Sustainable development is:

A). Above environment

B). Against environment

C). In tune with environment✔️

D). At the cost of environment

13- Who among the following was an advocate of behaviourlism and post- behaviourlism?

A). Charles Merrian

B). George Catin

C). Leo strauss

D). David Easton✔️

14- ‘ It is better to be vague than irrelevant’ . This statement explains the following.

A). Empiricism

B). Positivism

C). Behaviouralism

D). Post- behaviouralism✔️

15- The scientific method does not emphasis:

A). Empiricism

B). Values✔️

C). Facts

D). Objectivity

16-The thinker who based politics on psychology and psychology and physics and Geometry was:

A). Montesquieu

B). Rousseau

C). Thomas Hobbes✔️

D). Bentham

17-The thinker who based politics on philosophy was:

A). Aristotle

B). Piato✔️

C). Bentham

D). Marx

18- The thinker who based politics on religion was:

A). Cicero

B). St.Augustine ✔️

C). Machiavelli

D). Locke

19- The following demonstrated the relationship between nature and politics:

A). Utilitarian

B). Physiocrats✔️

C). Idealists

D). Anarchists

20- One of the following is a philosopher of the classical political theory:

A). Lasswell

B). Duverger

C). Strauss✔️

D). Dahl

21- One of the following teams belong to libertarians:

A). Hayek and Sandel

B). Sandel and Walzer

C). Walzer and Nozick

D). Nozick and Friedman✔️

22- One of the following teams belong to communitarians:

A). Maclntyre and Rawls

B). Rawls and Dworkin

C). Dworkin and Taylor

D). Taylor and Sandel✔️

23- One of the following constitute a post- modern team:

A). Heidegger and Lyotard✔️

B). Lyotard and Easton

C). Easton and Berlin

D). Berlin and plamenatz

24- The following is a feminist team:

A). Millet and Arendt

B). Arendt and Firestone

C). Firestone and llshtain✔️

D). llshtain and Beatrice

25-The following regard Political science as the most backward of all arts:

A). Maitland

B). Buckle✔️

C). Catlin

D). Wallas

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