PPSC Lecturer Zoology Test 13 Online Preparation MCQs

Given below on this Website Online Free Taleem is free online MCQ’s test related to PPSC of Lecturer Zoology. All the individuals who are going to appear in PPSC Lecturer of Zoology written test can attempt these tests in order to prepare for it in best possible way. Our tests include all the important questions MCQs of Lecturer of PPSC Zoology, all Past Papers of Lecturer of Zoology PPSC  that have extremely high amount of chances for been included in the actual exam which make our test undoubtedly the best source of preparation.


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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Zoology
Subject Zoology Test 13
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

PPSC Lecturer of Zoology Practice Test 13

1 / 25

The implied presence of sebaceous and sweat glands in early mammals signified what:

2 / 25

To facilitate cutaneous respiration, the skin of amphibians is:

3 / 25

HCG is secreted by:

4 / 25

The echinoderms have developed the ability to exploit many sources of food. The sea stars are ..............., the sea urchins are ...................., and the sea cucumbers are ...................

5 / 25

Which of these classes is characterized by an endoskeletal test, a complex chewing apparatus, no arms, pedicellaria with three jaws, closed ambulacral grooves, and movable spines:

6 / 25

The characters of no shell, integumental scales, a reduced head and being dioecious describes which of the following molluscs:

7 / 25

The adaptive radiation of the mammals occurred during the:

8 / 25

Cushing syndrome is due to the hyper secretion of:

9 / 25

A dihybrid condition is:

10 / 25

The early therians most resembled a small:

11 / 25

The respiratory apparatus of agnathans may be characterized by:

12 / 25

Neck and fore limbs in African giraffe increased in length as a result of:

13 / 25

Cross between AaBB and aaBB will form:

14 / 25

The kidneys of amphibians are:

15 / 25

Torsion is a process that rotates the ..................of the body of gastropods:

16 / 25

RR (Red) Antirrhinum is crossed with white (WW) one. Offspring RW are pink. This is an example of:

17 / 25

Members of the order.......................often produce spermatophores:

18 / 25

In humans, the placenta is:

19 / 25

The first well-known fossil of a tetrapod was:

20 / 25

Which of the following facts make Lamarckism doubtful:

21 / 25

Gastropoda taxonomy is currently under consideration. The traditional three subclasses are Prosobranchia, and two others:

22 / 25

Which one of the following statements is not true about energy flow:

23 / 25

In a genetic cross having recessive epistasis, F2 phenotypic ratio would be:

24 / 25

The larva of the lamprey is known as the:

25 / 25

The monoplacophorans were known only from the fossil record until 1952 when ....................... emerged from a deep-sea trawl net:

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