PPSC Lecturer Physical Education Solved MCQs Sample Papers

(1). Physical Education is a field that helps prepare students:

(a). To maintain physical fitness and healthy lifestyle

(b). To gain intelligence

(c). To retain physical and body energy

(d). Learn the art of exercise

(2). Focus of physical education is:

(a). Motion

(b). Fitness

(c). Man

(d). Man in motion

(3). Which one of the following concepts reflects the true nature of modern physical education?

(a). Physical training

(b). Science of Movement

(c). Movement of Education

(d). Athleticism

(4). According to World Health Organization, concept of Health focuses on:

(a). Health as a sense of total wellbeing

(b). Freedom from diseases

(c). Physical Health

(d). Mental Health

(5). The Psycho motor domain of Physical Education is concerned with:

(a). Knowledge

(b). Attitude

(c). Motor Skills

(d). Values

(6). A Physical Education Teacher now-a-days is essentially?

(a). An Instructor

(b). A Movement Educator

(c). A Drill Master

(d). All of the above

(7). For effective administration, the Physical Education teacher must possess?

(a). High Qualification

(b). Good Personality

(c). Technical Knowledge and Skills

(d). Teaching ability

(8). Much of the Theories of Physical Education are based on:

(a). Experience and understanding

(b). Custom and traditions

(c). Scientific Principles related to movements

(d). Philosophical thought

(9). The curriculum is a major factor in?

(a). The development of student interest 

(b). The arising of less disciplinary problems

(c). The development and maintenance of a good learning environment

(d). Affecting the student behavior

(10). Physical activity is basically a?

(a). Social attribute

(b). Psychological tendency

(c). Biological necessity

(d). Philosophical concept

(11). In health education, the basic principle is to start from?

(a). Ancient to modern

(b). Earlier to the recent

(c). Voluntary in involuntary

(d). Known to unknown

(12). Which of the following concepts of health is the earliest concept?

(a). The Bio-medical concept

(b). The Psycho-social concept

(c). The Religious concept

(d). The Ecological Concept

(13). For remaining fit and healthy, what is most important?

(a). Aptitudes

(b). Attitudes

(c). Routines

(d). Life Style

(14). Health is primarily a responsibility of the?

(a). Community

(b). Individual

(c). State

(d). Parent

(15). The quality of Physical Education teacher is?

(a). Civilized

(b). Good performance

(c). Young

(d). Smart

(16). Physical activity is basically a:

(a). Social Attribute

(b). Psychological tendency

(c). Biological necessity

(d). Philosophy concept

(17). Physical activity can be defined as:

(a). Muscular movement of the body that requires energy to produce the movement 

(b). Any condition that elevates heart rate

(c). aerobic exercise

(d). Strength training

(18). Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is:

(a). Discontinuous and unplanned

(b). Planned, structured, and repetitive

(c). Not a contributor to physical fitness

(19). Sociological foundation of physical education discusses:

(a). Body type

(b). Motor learning

(c). Competition and Co-operation

(d). Socialization process

(20). Professional ethics in physical education includes:

(a). Moral Values

(b). Judgement

(c). Physical fitness

(d). Sincerity

(21). Biological foundation of Physical Education involves:

(a). Motor learning

(b). Sex characteristics

(c). Body type

(d). Personality traits

(22). Modern concept of Physical Education was started:

(a). After 1920

(b). After 1957

(c). In the last decade of nineteenth century

(d). After 1960

(23). Future of physical education and sport will depend on:

(a). Developing infrastructure

(b). Expending frontiers of the habitable universe

(c). Providing finances

(d). Increasing participation of younger population

(24). Physical Exercises done with an aim to develop muscle hypertrophy are by nature:

(a). Isokinetic exercises

(b). Aerobic exercises

(c). Anaerobic exercises

(d). Isotonic exercises

(25). Which of the following are nonprofessional careers under physical education and sports?

(a). Physical Education teacher of a school

(b). Physical Instructor of a health club

(c). Sports reporter of a popular media

(d). Sports coach of an educational institution

(26). Among many professional programs of Physical Education, the primary focus is still on:

(a). High Performance sport in educational institutions

(b). Intramural and extramural program

(c). Fixtures for all

(d). Teacher Education

(27). American Academy of Physical Education has accepted to change the term Physical Education to:

(a). Exercise and Sports Sciences

(b). Physical activity and sport sciences

(c). Kinesiology

(d). Sport and exercise sciences

(28). For the uplift of the profession of physical education, professionals must help:

(a). To provide good leadership

(b). To decide its jurisdiction

(c). To have uniform teacher’s training  program

(d). To identify areas under the field

(29). Identify from the following list which one is not to be considered as major for professional preparation:

(a). Leadership

(b). Academic Studies

(c). Professional Experience

(d). Nature and requirement of the job

(30). The remote of physical education is:

(a). Education of the physical

(b). Education for the disable

(c). Education for the society

(d). Education through the physical

(31). The Remote objective of physical education is:

(a). Development of good human relation

(b). Development of neuromuscular coordination

(c). Development of physical fitness

(d). Development of sports skills

(32). Psychological foundation of physical education involves:

(a). Individual difference

(b). Growth and exercise

(c). Motor Skill acquisition

(d). Competition and cooperation

(33). Which of the objectives for physical education, exercises sciences, and sport includes the evaluation, application, synthesis, analysis, comprehension, and acquisition of knowledge?

(a). Affective

(b). Cognitive

(c). Health-related physical fitness

(d). Psychomotor

(e). Skill-related physical fitness

(34). Which of the following criteria is not essential for a field of study or work to be classified as a profession?

(a). Extensive, formal educational process completed

(b). Complex, systematic body of theoretical knowledge

(c). Continued professional growth and development 

(d). Professional must hold graduate degrees

(e). Service to society  

(35). Which of these items should not be included in a personal philosophy in a professional portfolio?

(a). Academic honors received 

(b). Description of your personal values and how they relates to your chosen career

(c). Professional certifications earned

(d). Work experiences

(e). All of the above should be included in a professional portfolio

(36). What is the term that describes a combination of theories and concepts from several one’s personal beliefs and values?

(a). Categorical imperative

(b). Deontological or non-consequential (Kantian)

(c). Eclecticism

(d). Moral reasoning

(e). Teleological or consequential (utilitarianism)

(37). What was Jesse Williams philosophy toward physical education?

(a). Education of the physical

(b). Education through the physical

(c). Educational naturalism

(d). Play

(e). Recreation

(38). Who is said to be the Father of Philosophy of idealism?

(a). Plato

(b). Socrates

(c). Aristotle

(d). Galan

(39). In comparison to the Greeks, the Romans were more:

(a). Authoritarian

(b). Utilitarian

(c). Democratic

(d). Aristocratic

(40). Which of the following are considered as the Social Inheritance of Man:

(a). Traditions

(b). habits

(c). Conditional reflexes

(d). Religious practices

(41). The literal meaning of the word philosophy is:

(a). Love of criticism

(b). Love of wisdom

(c). Love of knowledge

(d). Love of God

(42). Philosophical research is also known as:

(a). Rational research

(b). Perceptual research

(c). Conceptual research

(d). Behavioral research

(43). Which of the following disciplines philosophy examines the theory of knowledge?  

(a). Metaphysics

(b). Logic

(c). Aesthetics

(d). Ethics

(e). Epistemology

(44). Philosophy examines and evaluates the type of discipline:

(a). Meta discipline

(b). semi discipline

(c). Undisciplined

(d). None of the above

(45). The primary tool of philosophy is:

(a). Logic

(b). Thinking

(c). Meditation

(d). None of the above

(46). Which of the following is not a requirement of philosophical analysis?

(a). Intellectual integrity

(b). Open-mindedness

(c). Critical attitude

(d). Curiosity

(47). Traditional Schools of Philosophy includes:

(a). Naturalism

(b). Progressivism

(c). Pragmatism

(d). Realism

(48). Which of the following disciplines of philosophy examines what is real?

(a). Epistemology

(b). Metaphysics

(c). Aesthetics

(d). Ethics

(49). Which of the following discipline of philosophy examines beauty?

(a). Ethics

(b). Epistemology

(c). Aesthetics

(d). Logic

(50). Which of the following disciplines of philosophy examines how we ought to live?

(a). Aesthetics

(b). Ethics

(c). Metaphysics

(d). Epistemology

(51). Which of the following disciplines of philosophy examines argument analysis?

(a). Ethics

(b). Epistemology

(c). Aesthetics

(d). Logic

(52). Philosophical analysis is essentially a cooperative quest for:

(a). Truth

(b). Reality

(c). Reasoning

(d). None of the above

(53). The philosophical view “the ideal of competitive sports is striving for human excellence” is:

(a). Aretism

(b). Aestheticism

(c). Realism

(d). None of the above

(54). Philosophy has historically been divided into how many chief sub disciplines?

(a). 5

(b). 6

(c). 3

(d). 2

(55). Which of these philosophies uses the scientific method when seeking truth?

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism 

(56). Which of these philosophies advocates that ideals, values, and truths are universal and eternal and remain the same regardless of how the interpretations of individuals may vary?

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism  

(57). Which of these philosophies states that one’s experiences and free choices and the associated responsibility for one’s actions result in truth?

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism

(58). Which of these philosophies states that knowledge originates in the physical world but emerges through experimentation?

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism

(59). Which of these philosophies states that the development of the total person is important, but if there is a conflict development of the mind and the body mind must take precedence?

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(60). In Which of these philosophies does the individual determine the subject matter and the learning method?

(a). Existentialism

(b). idealism

(c). Naturalism  

(d). Pragmatism  

(e). Realism

(61). Which of the following philosophies stresses the importance of developing social skills and education for social efficiency?

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism

(62). A twentieth – century philosophy that centers on individual existence and advocates that truth and values are arrived at by each person’s experiences:

(a). Existentialism

(b). Idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism

(63). The philosophy based on the laws and order of the world as revealed by the science independent from human experience:

(a). Existentialism

(b). idealism

(c). Naturalism

(d). Pragmatism

(e). Realism

(64). “The development of the full potential of each individual”

(a). Realism

(b). Existentialism

(c). Realism

(d). Humanism

65). Re-create is to renew or enliven through the influence of:

(a). Pleasurable surroundings

(b). Refreshment of the strength and spirits after toil

(c). Diversion play

(d). All of the above

66). Recreation is considered as activity through which leisure may be experienced and enjoyed and is:

(a). Personal only

(b). It is a social

(c). Organized for social purposes

(d). All of the above

67). The condition of having one’s time free from the demands of work or duty is:

(a). Freedom

(b). Leisure

(c). Recreation

(d). Free time

68). Leisure is time in which our feelings of compulsion should be minimal it is:

(a). Discretionary time, the time to be used according to our own judgement or choice

(b). Time allotted by family

(c). Sleep time

(d). None of the above

69). Leisure is:

(a). Decision, an act as well as a state

(b). Leisure is a process, not fixed but developing and created in its time and place

(c). Leisure is production in the sense that its meaning is always reproduced in its situation rather than appropriated from some external source

(d). Leisure is an act, whole and complex with its history, emotion, interpretation episodic development

(e). All of the above

70). Recreation is defined as:

(a). “The process of giving new life to something”

(b). Bonding with Mother Nature

(c). Any process that is non-work related

(d). Socializing with two or more people

71). The objective of recreation is to:

(a). To make leisure time more productive and effective

(b). To help train leaders in outdoor recreation skills

(c). To provide a place for the more re-creating types of outdoor pursuits

(d). All of the above

72). Recreational activities that involve risk and adventure help you develop:

(a). Confidence

(b). Self-esteem

(c). Independent

(d). Self-centered

73). Recreation in the form of group activities or team games helps build:

(a). Time management skills

(b). Management skills

(c). Teamwork and also develops planning and organizing skills

(d). Leadership skills

74). Recreation aims at development of personality through:

(a). Interpersonal skills

(b). Developing confidence

(c). Teamwork spirit

(d). All of the above

75). The recreation process leads to:

(a). Having fun

(b). Happiness

(c). saving money

(d). Socializing

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