PPSC Lecturer of Physics Online Test 32 Past Papers

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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Physics 
Subject Physics Test 32
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

PPSC Lecturer of Physics Test 32

1 / 25

When 23Na (Z = 11) is bombarded with protons, the products are 20Ne (Z = 10) and:

2 / 25

Electrons in a full band do not contribute to the current when an electric field exists in a solid because:

3 / 25

If the density of states is N(E) and the occupancy probability is P(E), then the density of occupied states is:

4 / 25

For a pure semiconductor the Fermi level is:

5 / 25

A certain nucleus, after absorbing a neutron, emits a β− and then splits into two alpha particles. The (A,Z) of the original nucleus must have been:

6 / 25

The density of states for a metal depends primarily on:

7 / 25

The energy gap (in eV) between the valence and conduction bands of an insulator is of the order of:

8 / 25

At room temperature kT is about 0.0259 eV. The probability that a state 0.50 eV below the Fermi level is unoccupied at room temperature is:

9 / 25

The Fermi-Dirac occupancy probability P(E) varies between:

10 / 25

The 66Cu (Z = 29) produced in a nuclear bombardment is unstable, changing to 66Zn (Z = 30) by the emission of:

11 / 25

The occupancy probability for a state with energy equal to the Fermi energy is:

12 / 25

The becquerel is the correct unit to use in reporting the measurement of:

13 / 25

Aluminum has atomic number 13, helium has atomic number 2, and silicon has atomic number 14. In the nuclear reaction 27Al + 4He → 30Si + ( ) the missing particle is:

14 / 25

For a metal at room temperature the temperature coefficient of resistivity is determined primarily by:

15 / 25

The gray is the correct unit to use in reporting the measurement of:

16 / 25

A hole refers to:

17 / 25

In a metal at 0K, the Fermi energy is:

18 / 25

Which one of the following statements concerning electron energy bands in solids is true?

19 / 25

When ordinary sulfur, 32S (Z = 16), is bombarded with neutrons, the products are 32P (Z = 15) and:

20 / 25

A pure semiconductor at room temperature has:

21 / 25

In a pure metal the collisions that are characterized by the mean free time Ï„ in the expression for the resistivity are chiefly between:

22 / 25

The sievert is the correct unit to use in reporting the measurement of:

23 / 25

At room temperature kT is about 0.0259 eV. The probability that a state 0.50 eV above the Fermi level is occupied at room temperature is:

24 / 25

The Fermi energy of a metal depends primarily on:

25 / 25

For a pure semiconductor at room temperature the temperature coefficient of resistivity is determined primarily by:

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