PPSC FPSC Headmaster Headmistress Online MCQs Practice Test No. 24

These important MCQs collected from various exams of Headmaster / Headmistress / Principal, Dy. DEOs, District Officer Literacy conducted by Public Service Commissions, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, PTS, BTS, OTS and ETEA.

This Test is Consist of Following Topics:-

Teaching Techniques and Methodology, Important Questions on Pedagogy and Teaching Techniques, Methodology, Child Development and Pedagogy MCQs, Learning Strategies MCQs,  General Methods of Teachings, Situational Teaching, Designing Instruction / Lesson Planning, Special Methods, Techniques of Teaching learning, Micro Teaching, Cooperative Learning, Participatory Learning, Assessment and Evaluation of Teaching Learning, Conflict Resolution, Human Development and Education, Development of Curriculum and Instructional Material, Instructional  Planning, Learning, Learning Environment, Students Learning Outcomes, Guidance, Educational Psychology, Curriculum, Teaching Methodology, Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Testing, Testing and Evaluation, Educational Administration & Planning, Research Methodology and Educational Research, Principles of Teaching, Perspectives of Education in Pakistan, Planning and Management in Education, Educational Guidance and counseling, Classroom/ Institutional  Management and Discipline, Development of Curriculum and Instructional Material Testing and Evaluation, Educational Policies, Educational Reforms in Pakistan, Education Policy 2009, its Targets and Achievements, Classrooms Management and Its Discipline, Development of Education in Pakistan,  Role of various Department in the promotion of Education, Concept of School Management, Time Table and Human Relations, Financing of Education, Role of Headmaster / Headmistress, Principal, Educational Problems in Pakistan, Early Child Education (ECE), Literacy and Numeracy Drive,  Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Framework, Farogh e Taleem Fund, PEEDA Act , The Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act, 2006, Quality Driven Initiatives, School Records, Schools Monitoring, Students Attendance, Teaching Attendance, National Educational Polices, General ability, Pakistan Studies, General Knowledge, Basic Mathematics, Urdu, Islamiyat, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, English , Computer etc.


There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start this test.
Practice this test at least 5 times if you want to secure High Marks.
At the End of the Test you can see your Test score and Rating.
If you found any incorrect answer in Quiz. Simply click on the quiz title and comment below on that MCQ. So that I can update the incorrect answer on time.

Please Click Below START  Button to Take this Test Online.

Test Instructions:-
Test Name Headmaster Headmistress Test 24
Subject Education, BED, MED
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Totl Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Headmaster Headmistress, Dy. Headmaster Dy. Headmistress Online Practice Test 24

1 / 25

Sum of questions is?

2 / 25

Evaluation that monitors learning progress is?

3 / 25

Test involving the construction of certain patterns are called?

4 / 25

Quantitative description of pupil’s performance is?

5 / 25

Vast of all in scope?

6 / 25

The purpose of formative evaluation is?

7 / 25

Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means:

8 / 25

A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is?

9 / 25

The least in scope is?

10 / 25

Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in?

11 / 25

Which appropriate verb will you use to make an objective behavioral?

12 / 25

To assess achievement at the end of instruction is?

13 / 25

Procedures used to determine person abilities is?

14 / 25

Objective type question have advantage over essay type because such questions?

15 / 25

The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment about educational?

16 / 25

Broader in meaning is?

17 / 25

The purpose of the evaluation is to make?

18 / 25

In multiple choice items the stem of the items should be?

19 / 25

Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is?

20 / 25

In which question marking will be more reliable?

21 / 25

The first step in measurement is?

22 / 25

In norm referenced test the comparison is between?

23 / 25

Facility value of less than 0.20 means?

24 / 25

The process of obtaining numerical value is?

25 / 25

In multiple choice items the stem of the items should be?

Your score is

The average score is 0%


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