Political Science MCQs for Competitive Exams Test No. 30

1- The philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries emphasized:

A). Economic equality only

B). Social and economic equality only✔️

C). Social and political equality only

D). Social, economic as well as political equality

2- In the twentieth century greater emphasis was laid on:

A). Political equality

B). Civil equality

C). Social and economic equality✔️

D). Political and economic equality

3- Civil or Legal equality is a feature of:

A). All democratic governments✔️

B).All types of governments

C). Only dictatorial governments

D). Countries which possess written constitution

4-  Equality before law falls in the category of:

A). Political equality

B). Social equality

C). Civil equality✔️

D). Economic equality

5- The grant of franchise to women on equal terms with men is assertion of the principle of:

A). Political equality✔️

B). Civil equality

C). Economic equality

D). Social equality

6- Who said ” Political Liberty without economic equality is a myth”?



C). G.D.H.Cole✔️

D). H.J.Laski

7- The view that ” Liberty and Equality are incompatible” was expressed by:

A). Marx

B). Hobbes

C). Adam Smith

D). Dc Tocqueville✔️

8-  Liberty and equality are:

A). Complementary to each other✔️

B). Contradictory to each other

C). Unrelated to each other

D). None of the above

9- Which one of the following thinkers considered liberty and equality as complementary?

A). Lord Action

B). Maclver✔️

C). Machiavelli

D).Dc Tocqueville

10- Which one of the following thinkers considered liberty and equality as complementary?

A). Aristotle

B). Maclver✔️

C). Marx

D). Rousseau

11- ” The passion for equality made vain the hope for liberty” , Who said this?

A). Bentham


C). Karl Marx

D). Lord Action

12- Which one of the following two types of equalities was emphasized by Barker?

A). Political and economic

B). Legal and political

C). Social and economic

D). Legal and social✔️

13- There are two pillars of democracy Viz. liberty and:

A). Law

B). Equality✔️

C). Fraternity

D). None of the above

14- Who of the following thinkers maintain that liberty and equality are antagonistic to each other?

A). Plato and Marx

B). Aristotle and Montesquieu

C). Lord Action and Dc Tocqueville✔️

D). Laski and Green

15- Who said “Political liberty without economic equality is a myth” ?

A). Green

B). Laski

C). Marx

D). Cole✔️

16- Who said ” There can be no identity of treatment and identity of reward so long as men differ in their needs and capacities”?

A). Lord Action

B). Aristotle

C). Marx

D). Laski✔️

17-The term ‘ justice ‘ has been drawn from the Latin term:

A). Just

B). Jus✔️

C). Joint

D). Judge

18- Justice is essentially a:

A). Legal concept

B). Moral concept

C). Social concept

D). Complex concept combining all the above and others concepts✔️

19- The concept of justice is applicable only to:

A). Dealings with human beings✔️

B). Dealings with all living beings

C). Dealings with living as well as non-living beings

D). None of the above

20- Which one of the following thinkers interpreted justice as allotment of functions to person in” accordance with his ability and training?

A). Aristotle

B). Plato✔️

C). Barker

D). Laski

21- The concept of justice:

A). Is very old✔️

B). Originated in the sixteenth century

C).Originated in the twentieth century

D). Originated with the dawn of democracy

22- Who of the following thinkers took justice as an ethical standard of virtue in social and public relationship?

A). Aristotle✔️

B). Rousseau

C). Plato

D). Maclver

23- The concept of justice in the sense of ‘ greatest happiness of the greatest number’  was popularized by:

A). Aristotle

B). Rousseau

C). Laski

D). Bentham✔️

24- The concept of justice in purely economic terms was popularized by:

A). Adam Smith

B). J.S.Mill

C). Bentham

D). Engels✔️

25- The dimensions of legal justice are determined by:

A). Courts

B). People

C). Constitution and Statutes✔️

D). All of the above

Useful Links:-

Lecturer Political Science Online Tests


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