Political Science MCQ for PPSC FPSC KKPSC Practice Test 13

1- According to the Matriarchal theory the head of the family was:

A).The eldest male member

B). The eldest female member✔️

C). Nominated by the king

  1. Nominated by the chief Priest

2- The social contract theory deals with:

A). The nature of state

B). The functions of state

C). The Purpose of state

D). The origin of state✔️

3- The three most prominent exponents of social contact theory were:

A). Austin, Bodin and Hobbes

B). Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau✔️

C). Maclver, Laski and Rousseau

D). Hobbes, Adam Smith and J.S.Mill

4-The social contract theory is based on:

A). Nationalism

B). Constitutionalism

C). Individualism✔️

D). Socialism

5- The book in which Hobbes gave theory of social contact is entitled:

A). Leviathan✔️

B). Social contract

C). A history of political theory

D). The Modern state

6- According to the Hobbes the state of Nature was a period of:

A). Peace and plenty

B). Constant and warfare✔️

C). Peace and scarcity

D). Religious dominance

7- According to Hobbes people in the state of nature enjoyed:

A). Only the right to life, liberty and property

B). No rights✔️

C). Only economic rights

D). Unspecified natural rights

8-  In the contract envisaged by Hobbes:

A). Sovereign was a party to the contract

B). Sovereign refused to become a party to the contract

C). Sovereign accepted only limited obligations

D). Sovereign came into being as a result of the contract✔️

9- According to Hobbes the people:

A). Were free to revoke the contract

B). Could amend the contract by two- thirds majority

C). Could not revoke the contract✔️

D). Automatically lapsed if one of the parties failed to carry out its part of obligations

10- After the creation of state, according to Hobbes, people continued to enjoy:

A). Certain natural rights

B). Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign✔️

C). Those rights which they had retained at the time of the conclusion of the contract

D). Only those rights which were specified in the contract

11- Which one of the following statements sums up Hobbes’s views about the nature of Man:

A). Man is a social animal

B). Man is Co-operative and sympathetic towards other members of society

C).  Man is essentially peace loving

D). Man is selfish and quarrelsome✔️

12- According to Hobbes the sovereign was:

A). A part to the contract

B).The result of the contract✔️

C). Elected after the conclusion of the contract

D). Accountable to the people

13- Jhon Locke,a proponent of social contact theory, hailed from:

A). France

B). Germany

C). Britain✔️

D). U.S.A

14- Locke advocated his theory in:

A). The sixteenth century

B). The seventeenth century✔️

C).The eighteenth century

D). None of the above

15- Locke propounded his theory of social contact in the book entitled:

A). Lectures on Jurisprudence

B). Two Treatises on Civil Government✔️

C). Social contract

D). Representative Government

16- The state of nature, according to Locke was:

A). A period of lawlessness

B). A period of peace and reason✔️

C). A period of constant warfare

D). A period of peace in certain areas and war in other areas

17- According to the Locke people in the state of nature enjoyed only:

A). Divine rights

B). Natural rights✔️

C). Legal rights

D). Religious rights

18- According to Locke people in the state of nature:

A). Had certain duties but no rights

B). Had certain rights only

C). Had both rights and duties✔️

D). Had neither rights not duties

19- According to Locke the people in the state of nature:

A). Were governed by the law enacted by the sovereign

B). Were governed by law enacted by the people

C). Were governed by the law of nature✔️

D). Had no law at all

20- Locke envisages:

A). One contract- social contract

B). Two contracts – social and Governmental

C).Three contracts- social, Economic and political✔️

D). One contract- Governmental

21- According to Locke the contract was concluded:

A). Only by the Heads of families

B). By the Feudal Lords alone

C). By all male members

D). By all members of community✔️

22- According to Locke under the contract people surrendered:

A). All rights

B). Only the natural rights

C). Only right to property

D). Only right to interpret and enforce the law of nature✔️

23- Locke concedes to sovereign:

A). Only limited authority✔️

B). Absolute authority

C). No authority at all

D). None of the above

24- According to Locke the sovereign:

A). Was a party to the contract✔️

B). Was born out of the contract

C). Stood outside the contract

D). None of the above

25- The main function of the sovereign, according to the Locke was:

A). To enact laws

B). To modify the laws according to needs of time

C). To enforce the laws

D). To interpret the laws✔️

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