Political Science MCQ for PPSC FPSC KKPSC Practice Test 11

1- Who among the following thinkers criticized the Austinian theory of sovereignty on the ground that law is not the command of the sovereign but an expression of the community’s sense of right?

A). Laski

B). Krabbe✔️

C). Duguit

D). Gierke

2- Which among the following is not a feature of sovereignty?

A). Absoluteness


C). Indivisibility

D). Delegation✔️

3- The monistic theory of sovereignty emphasizes:

A). The moral omni competence of the state

B).The de facto supremacy of the state✔️

C). Social unity of the state

D). Juridical supremacy of the state

4-The jurists recognize a sovereign, but behind it there is another sovereign before which the legal sovereign bows. To what does the following indicate.

A). Ceremonial sovereign ruler

B). Real sovereign ruler

C). Political sovereign ruler✔️

D). Nominal sovereign ruler

5- The theory of sovereignty emphasizes:

A). Moral capacity of the state

B). Real capacity of the state

C). Social capacity of the state

D). Legal capacity of the state✔️

6- Rousseau was the advocate of:

A). Personal sovereignty

B). Popular sovereignty✔️

C). Political sovereignty

D). Legal sovereignty

7- One of the following is not the feature of sovereignty:

A). All- comprehensiveness

B). Originality

C). Divisibility✔️

D). Inalienability

8- Austin was an English:

A). Sociologist

B). Jurist✔️

C). Economist

D). Scientist

9- The cause of the English Pluralists’ attack was:

A). Legalistic form of sovereignty✔️

B). Political form of sovereignty

C). Economic form of sovereignty

D). Social form of sovereignty

10- The classical Marxists accept:

A). Sovereignty is legalistic

B). It is political one

C). It is class one

D). It does not exist✔️

11- Which one of the following doctrines accords central role to the notion of citizenship?

A). Totalitarianism

B). Republicanism✔️

C). Theocracy

D). Fabianism

12- Which one of the following concepts distinguished citizenship from subjecthood?

A). Duties

B). Obedience

C). Rights✔️

D). Patriotism

13- Unlike subjecthood, citizenship rests on:

A). Rights✔️

B). Obedience

C). Duties

D). Law

14- The basis for acquiring citizenship through naturalization is:

A). Birth

B). Choice✔️

C). Coercion

D). Descent

15- For Aristotle, a citizen is one who:

A). Is a voter

B). Is a law- maker

C). A judge

D). A legislator and a judge✔️

16- Citizenship is a relationship between:

A). Individual and society

B). Individual and state✔️

C). Individual and nation

D). Individual and UN

17- Aliens and citizens differ because the citizens have these and aliens do not have them:

A). Duties

B). Obligtions

C). Political rights✔️

D). Special privileges

18- Who among the following thinkers stressed the productive dimension of power?

A). Foucault✔️

B). Robert Mitchels

C). Marx

D). Max Weber

19- The understanding of democracy as a mode of distributing power widely, thereby preventing its concentration in fewer hands, is termed as:

A). Pluralist✔️

B). Federalist

C). Participatory

D). Representative

20- ” The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others.” Who said this?

A). J. S. Mill✔️

B).T.H. Green

C). Thomas Paine

D). Harold J.Laski

21- Which one of the following does not confer legitimacy on the ruler’s power?

A). Charisma

B). Customs and traditions

C). Wealth✔️

D). Reason and deliberation

22- Who among the following formulated the nation of power knowledge?

A). Michel Foucault✔️

B). Roger Bacon

C). Socrates

D). Niccole Machiavelli

23-The following is not true about the concept of power?

A). It is a capacity to get something done from others

B). It is used to achieve desired results

C). It is unilateral✔️

D). It is agnostic

24- The following portrayed the radical face of power:

A). Lenin

B). Locke

C). Lipset

D). Lukcas✔️

25- The following refers to the three faces of power:

A). Boulding✔️

B). Berlin

C). Barker

D). Burke

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Lecturer Political Science Online Tests


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