Political Science MCQ for PPSC FPS KKPSC NTS Practice Test 1

1- Political science is a discipline:

A). which does not subscribe to any values

B). which provides value- free analysis

C). Meant to study values

D). That cannot ignore values✔️

2- Political science is a discipline:

A). which does not subscribe to scientific method

B). which provides fact- free analysis

C). Meant to study facts and data only

D). That cannot following statements✔️

3- One of the following does not match:

A). Plato  _   Republic

B). Aristotle _ Apology✔️

C). Augustine _ The city of God

D). Acquina _ Suma Theologica

4- Which of the following is not a traditional approach to the study of political science?

A). Comparison

B). Historiography

C). Simulation✔️

D). Legal institutionalism

5- With which one of the following is the traditional approach of the study of political science not associated with?

A). Legal- institutional

B). Descriptive- empirical✔️

C). Normative- prescriptive

D). Historic- prescriptive

6- With which one of the following is the modern approach for the study of political science not associated with?

A). Observational- measurable

B). Empirical- operational

C). Analytical- positive

D). Institutional- legal✔️

7- Which one of the following combination defines the scope of political science?

A). State, government, laws, customs and culture

B). Sovereignty, government, market, political parties and social classes

C). State, government, laws, Civil society and political parties✔️

D). State, values, government, decision making and political parties

8- The following is not the combination of what the scope of modern political science is:

A). Political system, political socialization, political elite, Revolution

B). Political socialization, political development, political modernization, political culture

C). Political system, political participation, power and Authority

D). Values, culture, religion, markets✔️

9- One of the following is a traditional meaning of political science:

A). It is the study of state as it is,as it was and as it ought to be.

B). It is the study of how government operates in the state

C). It is the study of conflicts and their resolution✔️

D). It is the study of man as a citizen in a state

10- One of the following is not a modern meaning of political science:

A). It is the study of man’s behaviour in relation to the political system he is a member

B). It is the study of state as a political organization✔️

C). It is the study of how people make decisions in the political society

D). It is the study of politics of power

11- One of the following does not match:

A). Dyke and Odgard Political science_ A Philosophical Analysis

B). Robert Dahl _ Modern political systems✔️

C). Catlin – Systematic Politics

D). Guild and Palmer Introduction to politics

12- One of the following is not true with regard to the meaning of politics.

A). Politics develops out of diversity

B). The diversities of politics are linked to reconcilable interests✔️

C). Politics is an art, the art of administration

D). It is power, rule and authority

13-The liberal view of politics is:

A). Reconciliation of irreconcilable interests✔️

B). An instrument of  exploitation

C). Promotion of individual interests

D). State to act in favour of the rich

14- Robert Nozick is:

A). A classical liberal✔️

B). A pluralist liberal

C). A libertarian

D). A communitarian liberal

15- The Marxists view politics as:

A). Class struggle✔️

B). Umpire that acts in an impartial manner

C). Reconciliation of conflicting interests

D). Promotion of common good

16-The following describes political theory as the disciplined investigation of political phenomena.

A). Spiro

B). Sabine✔️

C). Brecht

D). Oakeshott

17- One of the following does not match:

A). Barry : political Argument

B). Rawls : A theory of justice

C). Plamenatz : Democracy and Myth✔️

D). Nozick : Anarchy, state and Utopia

18- The following is true about Political theory:

A). It helps us understand political concepts✔️

B). It is the part of Politics

C). It is larger than political science

D). It is ideology of the theorists

19- ‘ Politics is authoritative allocation of values ‘ as stated by Easton characterizes one of the following:

A). ‘Values’ as material objects✔️

B). ‘ Allocation’ as means of consumption

C). ‘ Authoritative’ as expertise venturism

D). Politics and state

20- Political Philosophy differs from politics in so far as what politics is not and political philosophy is:

A). An activity

B). A social activity

C). Scientific

D). Speculative✔️

21- The following regards politics as an enterprise which keeps a floating:

A). Crick

B). Bluhm

C). Oakeshott✔️

D). Hacker

22- The following is true about the Marxist view of politics:

A). Common interest is the interest of all

B). Common interest is the interest of majority

C). Common interest is the interest of the workers

D). Common interest is the interest of the capitalists✔️

23- The Marxian ‘withering away’ of the state means that:

A). The state is abolished completely

B). The state disappears all of a sudden

C).The  state disappears slowly✔️

D). None of the above

24- The ancient Greeks used the following word for the term state,

A). Republic

B). Commonweal

C). Polis✔️

D). Republic

25- Who has described politics as ” acting in concert ” ?

A). Hannah Arendt✔️

B). Aristotle

C). Plato

D). Marx

Useful Links:-

Lecturer Political Science Online Tests


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