1- The term state in the modern sense was for the first time used by:
A). Aristotle
B). Machiavelli✔️
C). Hobbes
D). T. H. Green
2- Rousseau believed that an ideal state should consist of:
A).10,000 Persons✔️
B).50,000 persons
C). 27,000 persons
D). Did not fix any number
3- Which one of the following writers does not consider territory as an essential element of state?
A). Aristotle
B). Hobbes
C). Seeley✔️
D). JH.J. Laski
4- Which one of the following is not an element of state?
A). Population
B). Religion✔️
C). Territory
D). Sovereignty
5- Who defined state as “a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory independent or nearly so of external control, and possessing an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience”?
A). Laski
B). Garner
C). Bluntschli
D). Holland✔️
6- Who said: “A state is that agency in a society that is authorised to exercise coercive control within a territory”.
A). Maclver
B). Anderson and Parker✔️
C). Durkheim
D). Max Weber
7- who of the following first of all propounded the organic theory of state?
A). Machiavelli
B). Plato✔️
C). Marx
D). Herbert spencer
8- The organic theory of state holds:
A). The state is the result of a social contract
B).The state is a divine creation
C).The state is the result of force
D). The state is a living organism, rather a living spiritual being✔️
9- The state is primarily a:
A). Social association
B). Economic association
C). Political association✔️
D). Socio-economic cum political association
10- Will, not force, is the basis of state’ was stated by:
A). Hegel
B). Bosanquet
C). Green✔️
D). Kant
11- Who regarded the state as an instrument of exploitation of one class by another?
A). Plato
B). Aristotle
C). Grotious
D). Marx✔️
12- who regarded the state as the highest embodiment of morality?
A). Aristotle
B). Kant✔️
C). Marx
D). All the above
13- According to Locke, the state of Nature was given up because:
A). It was a condition of war of each against all.
B). Man was unsocial, solitary and poor
C). There were some inconveniences✔️
D). Man was basically good but the growth of civilization corrupted him
14- who said that ‘State is a society of societies’?
A). Lindsay✔️
B).H.J. Laski
C). Aristotle
D). None of the above
15- According to Tretschke the essence of the state is:
A). Consent
B). Morality
C). General will
D). Force✔️
16-The term sovereignty has been drawn from the Latin term:
A). Supranus✔️
B). Supreme
C). Soviet
D). Statue
17- Sovereignty is an essential attribute of:
A). State✔️
B). Society
C). Government
D). Parliament
18- who said that sovereignty was the fullness of state?
A). The Greeks
B). The English
C). The Romans✔️
D). Indians
19-which one of the following characteristics of sovereignty has been wrongly listed?
A). Absoluteness
B). Divisibility✔️
C). Permanence
D). Exclusiveness
20- The concept of ” legal sovereignty” was for the first time propounded by:
A). Hobbes✔️
B). Rousseau
C). Locke
D). T. H. Green
21- Sovereignty is an attribute of:
A). Despotic state only
B). Democratic states only
C). All states✔️
D). Government
22- The concept of political sovereignty is associated with:
A). Plato
B). John Locke✔️
C). Rousseau
D). Austin
23- The concept of popular sovereignty is associated with:
A). Austin
B). Locke
C). Rousseau✔️
D). Bodin
24- who of the followings believed that sovereignty ‘ vested in the general will?
A). Rousseau✔️
B).T.H. Green
C). Austin
D). Bodin
25- The principle of popular sovereignty holds that sovereignty lies with:
A). People✔️
B). Members of parliament
C). Constitution
D). Pope
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