Lecturer Political Science MCQs Past Papers and Test No. 33

Online Free Taleem is free online MCQ’s test related to Lecturer Political Science. All the individuals who are going to appear in PPSC, FPSC, KKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, AJ&KPSC, NTS, Lecturer Political Science written test can attempt these tests in order to prepare for it in best possible way. Our tests of Lecturer of Political Science include all the important questions and Past Paper of  Lecturer Political Science, that have extremely high amount of chances for been included in the actual exam which make our test undoubtedly the best source of preparation.


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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Political Science
Subject Lecturer Pol Science Test 33
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Lecturer of Political Science Online Test No. 33

1 / 25

Religion helped in the evolution of state by cultivating following two qualities:

2 / 25

In modern times the Force Theory of the origin of state found a strong advocate in:

3 / 25

The early oriental Empire rested on:

4 / 25

The early oriental Empires were mostly located:

5 / 25

The earliest territorial state was:

6 / 25

Which one of the following theories regarding the origin of state was very popular during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

7 / 25

The Roman Empire was characterized by:

8 / 25

Which one of the following theories regarding the origin of state evoked maximum controversy?

9 / 25

Which one of the followings enjoys the distinction of being the first to offer a systematic theory of the social contract?

10 / 25

" The state is neither the handiwork of God, nor the result of superior physical force, nor the creation of a resolution or convention nor a mere expansion of the family" who said this?

11 / 25

The areatest contribution of Hobbes to political theory was:

12 / 25

Which one of the following thinkers did not criticize the theory of social contact?

13 / 25

Who of the following was a staunch supporter of the' Divine origin theory'?

14 / 25

Who said that man's life in the state of nature was " solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short"?

15 / 25

The modern state is described as:

16 / 25

Which one of the following has not been included by Locke in the list of natural rights?

17 / 25

Which one of the following is the most acceptable Theory regarding the origin of the state:

18 / 25

The City- States:

19 / 25

One of the outstanding contributions of the Roman Empire was:

20 / 25

In the Feudal state the political authority rested with:

21 / 25

Under the Feudal state offices were distributed on the basis of:

22 / 25

The theory of origin of state which holds that the state is the result of slow process of growth is known as:

23 / 25

Which one of the following methods was adopted by Hobbes?

24 / 25

The main propounders of the evolutionary theory were:

25 / 25

The city- States which made their appearance before the birth of Christ are generally associated with:

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