KPPSC FPSC PPSC SPSC BPSC Lecturer Education Test No. 102

Given below on this Website Online Free Taleem is free online MCQ’s test related to PPSC of Lecturer Education. All the individuals who are going to appear in PPSC, FPSC, KKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, AJ&KPSC, NTS, ETEA, BTS, PTS, OTS Lecturer of Education written test can attempt these tests in order to prepare for it in best possible way. Our tests include all the important questions MCQs of Lecturer of PPSC Education, all Past Papers of Lecturer of Education PPSC, KKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, AJ&KPSC, NTS, ETEA, BTS, PTS, OTS  that have extremely high amount of chances for been included in the actual exam which make our test undoubtedly the best source of preparation.


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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Education
Subject Education Test 102
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Lecturer of Education Online Test No. 102

1 / 25

Which school raised the slogan “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather the words?”

2 / 25

Which is not an aspect of mind according to the Realists, theory of knowing?

3 / 25

Who emphasized realization of Truth Beauty and Goodness as the aims of education?

4 / 25

Which of the following is not criticized by realism in education?

5 / 25

Marxist educational philosophy is close to:

6 / 25

Who among the following is not a follower of Pragmatic Philosophy?

7 / 25

Learning by Project Method is technically known:

8 / 25

As Huxley pleaded for the introduction of “a complete and thorough scientific culture” into schools, he is claimed to:

9 / 25

The tern progressive education related to:

10 / 25

Which school of philosophy of education stresses the direct study of men and things through tours and travels?

11 / 25

In whose methodology of teaching “Experimentation” is the key-note of?

12 / 25

Education according to the Pragmatist is:

13 / 25

Which school of philosophy very strongly advocates that education should be vocational in character?

14 / 25

Which among the following statements is not a characteristic of Marxism?

15 / 25

Which school believes that all knowledge comes through the senses?

16 / 25

In the light of relevant past events contemporary events and their understanding should find a place in the teaching of history Who maintained this principle?

17 / 25

Who believe that “Objects have a reality independent of mental phenomena”?

18 / 25

What is not associated with Pragmatism?

19 / 25

Which school of philosophy of education regrets dualism between cultural and vocational curriculum?

20 / 25

Which is a great disadvantage of the project method?

21 / 25

Which among the following is not essentially desirable in the Project Method?

22 / 25

Realism in education was born out of:

23 / 25

Who said “No fixed aims of education and no values in advance”?

24 / 25

The most important thing to keep in mind for a teacher according to Realism in education:

25 / 25

Which statement about truth is not correct according to the philosophy of Pragmatism?

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