KPPSC FPSC PPSC SPSC BPSC Lecturer Education Online Test 99

Given below on this Website Online Free Taleem is free online MCQ’s test related to PPSC of Lecturer Education. All the individuals who are going to appear in PPSC, FPSC, KKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, AJ&KPSC, NTS, ETEA, BTS, PTS, OTS Lecturer of Education written test can attempt these tests in order to prepare for it in best possible way. Our tests include all the important questions MCQs of Lecturer of PPSC Education, all Past Papers of Lecturer of Education PPSC, KKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, AJ&KPSC, NTS, ETEA, BTS, PTS, OTS  that have extremely high amount of chances for been included in the actual exam which make our test undoubtedly the best source of preparation.


There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer Education
Subject Education Test 99
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Lecturer of Education Online Test No. 99

1 / 25

When, What, Why & How, to teach is the main task of:

2 / 25

The highest in rank in ministry of education is:

3 / 25

Areas/sources of information for psycho- logical foundation are:

4 / 25

The characteristics of Activity Centered Curriculum:

5 / 25

Repetition of concepts of same level in two consecutive classes lacks the quality of:

6 / 25

“Curriculum” is a word of:

7 / 25

Evaluation used to improve the contents after curriculum development is:

8 / 25

The major purpose of co-curricular activities is to:

9 / 25

The part of the curriculum designed to meet the needs of all students is:

10 / 25

Curriculum improvement should a ......... process:

11 / 25

Development of curriculum at higher level and its application at different levels is:

12 / 25

In experimental procedure of the content selection, the content is selected by:

13 / 25

School curriculum is defined as:

14 / 25

Five stages of awareness, interest, evaluation, trial and adoption are for:

15 / 25

The model of behavioral objectives of curriculum evaluation was presented by:

16 / 25

The forces that effect the development of curriculum are called:

17 / 25

Psychomotor domain deals wit:

18 / 25

The factor effecting curriculum development is:

19 / 25

Psychological foundations of curriculum help curriculum developers to understand the nature of:

20 / 25

Teaching and learning combines to make:

21 / 25

Development of a learner is linked to:

22 / 25

In the subject centered curriculum, the important element is:

23 / 25

Curriculum effectiveness is determined by:

24 / 25

The evaluation used to improve the contents during curriculum development is:

25 / 25

What the child studies in a class is decided by:

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