Headmaster Headmistress Online MCQs Practice Test No.16

These important MCQs collected from various exams of Headmaster / Headmistress / Principal, Dy. DEOs, District Officer Literacy conducted by Public Service Commissions, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, PTS, BTS, OTS and ETEA.


There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Headmaster Headmistress Test 16
Subject Education, BED, MED
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Totl Marks 100


You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Headmaster Headmistress, Dy. Headmaster Dy. Headmistress Online Practice Test 16

1 / 25

The Deoband movement ignored?

2 / 25

Prior planning is not possible in?

3 / 25

The Deoband movement used curriculum revision as?

4 / 25

Curriculum based on thinking of John Dewey is?

5 / 25

The purpose of integrated curriculum is?

6 / 25

The Ulma of Deobond played a vital role in?

7 / 25

The Deoband was established in?

8 / 25

Teacher training is less emphasized in?

9 / 25

Allama Iqbal Open University was established in?

10 / 25

The system of distance education is observed in?

11 / 25

Explanatory methods are used in?

12 / 25

The salient features of Deoband movement was?

13 / 25

The source of achieving on objectives is?

14 / 25

Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?

15 / 25

Examinations are conducted by?

16 / 25

Rote learning is a demerit of?

17 / 25

The relationship of different concepts at one level is?

18 / 25

University of Education was established in?

19 / 25

The major function of Punjab text Book Board:

20 / 25

The most important component of lesson plan is?

21 / 25

Making value judgment about curriculum is?

22 / 25

To select subject matter, one should consider student?

23 / 25

The implementer for curriculum is?

24 / 25

Which is not concerned with teacher training?

25 / 25

Broad field curriculum is a modification of?

Your score is

The average score is 76%


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