Headmaster Headmistress Online MCQs Practice Test No.14

These important MCQs collected from various exams of Headmaster / Headmistress / Principal, Dy. DEOs, District Officer Literacy conducted by Public Service Commissions, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, PTS, BTS, OTS and ETEA.


There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Headmaster Headmistress Test 14
Subject Education, BED, MED
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Totl Marks 100


You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Headmaster Headmistress, Dy. Headmaster Dy. Headmistress Online Practice Test 14

1 / 25

A curriculum is blue print or plan of the school that includes experiences for the:

2 / 25

 The application of philosophy in education directs towards:

3 / 25

Curriculum improvement is necessary if:

4 / 25

Communication without words is called:

5 / 25

Which of the following medium of instruction was suggested in Charter Act:

6 / 25

A successful practice is the real test of the achievement by:

7 / 25

In guidance, the role of teacher is as:

8 / 25

Practice is made in:

9 / 25

Teachers efforts are less emphasized in?

10 / 25

Who is responsible to transmit values in the society?

11 / 25

Compute education in schools was first introduced in Pakistani education policy:

12 / 25

Who developed the first intelligence test:

13 / 25

Pedagogy is the study of:

14 / 25

Axiology in philosophy deals with:

15 / 25

Micro teaching focuses on the competency over:

16 / 25

Learning difficulties during instruction can be checked with the help of evaluation type called:

17 / 25

An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in specific time is called

18 / 25

Modern supervision is based on broadened concept:

19 / 25

Charles Wood dispatch was presented in:

20 / 25

IQ is an index of:

21 / 25

In “POSDCORB” P stands for:

22 / 25

Which is not the hereditary factor:

23 / 25

Multiple choice questions provide a broad sampling of:

24 / 25

The highest level of learning in cognitive domain is:

25 / 25

Ibn-e-Khaldum never favoured:

Your score is

The average score is 86%


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