Headmaster Headmistress Online MCQs Practice Test No.13

These important MCQs collected from various exams of Headmaster / Headmistress / Principal, Dy. DEOs, District Officer Literacy conducted by Public Service Commissions, FPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, PTS, BTS, OTS and ETEA.


There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Headmaster Headmistress Test 13
Subject Education, BED, MED
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Totl Marks 100


You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Headmaster Headmistress, Dy. Headmaster Dy. Headmistress Online Practice Test 13

1 / 25

The students respect the teacher due to his:

2 / 25

School heads guide their school teachers in appropriate directions. It means they are displaying the behavior related to:

3 / 25

Which of the following is not associated with non-verbal communication?

4 / 25

The concept of free education was given by:

5 / 25

SOLO taxonomy has phases:

6 / 25

Project, role playing practical method & laboratory method is included in:

7 / 25

Desirable models of behavior of a society are called:

8 / 25

Evaluation is a process of:

9 / 25

Socio-situational theory of leaning is linked with:

10 / 25

The teaching method recommended for elementary level is:

11 / 25

In drama/role play in schools, we usually ignore:

12 / 25

It can be facial expression, body language and signals:

13 / 25

Which of the following are achievable in the classroom?

14 / 25

Which graph illustrates how numerical values change over time:

15 / 25

“No System of education is better than its teachers who serve it” is said in:

16 / 25

Goals are bases in selection of:

17 / 25

Which of the following is not an instrument of data collection?

18 / 25

PEC stands for:

19 / 25

What kind of knowledge comes from Allah through prophets:

20 / 25

Research study starts from:

21 / 25

Curriculum which cover the maximum subjects at a time is called:

22 / 25

In Planning and implanting curriculum draws concepts from:

23 / 25

Which of the following is the heart of management process?

24 / 25

How can we communicate with others without contradicting ourselves? Which branch of philosophy answers this question?

25 / 25

The analysis, synthesis and evaluating the student thoughts are measured through:

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