English Literature MCQs for Lecturer Online Test No. 111

Online Free Taleem is free online MCQ’s test related to Lecturer English. All the individuals who are going to appear in PPSC, FPSC, KKPSC, SPSC, BPSC, AJ&KPSC, NTS, Lecturer English written test can attempt these tests in order to prepare for it in best possible way. Our tests of Lecturer of English include all the important questions and Past Paper of  Lecturer English, that have extremely high amount of chances for been included in the actual exam which make our test undoubtedly the best source of preparation.


There will be 25 multiple choice question in the test.
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Test Instructions:-
Test Name Lecturer English
Subject Lecturer English Test 111
Test Type MCQs
Total Questions 25
Total Time 20 Minutes
Total Marks 100

You have 20 minutes to pass to the quiz.

Lecturer English Online Test No. 111

1 / 25

“Meeting at Night” by Browning is a:

2 / 25

She is like a rose. It is an example of:

3 / 25

The "battle of Philippi" appears in the play:

4 / 25

Tennyson created a medieval world in his poem:

5 / 25

Who is writer of the poem ‘Justice’?

6 / 25

Who represents Pride in Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’:

7 / 25

When did Frost and Elinor decide move the family to England?

8 / 25

Gulliver was expelled from the land of Yahoos because he was considered:

9 / 25

In his poetry Tennyson is:

10 / 25

Who said . . . “expression ought to be the dress of the thought”?

11 / 25

Who is the first great English story-teller in English Literature?

12 / 25

‘The Revolt of Islam’ is a work by:

13 / 25

‘In Memoriam’ is written by?

14 / 25

Who is the writer of The Elizabethan Period?

15 / 25

Who is the writer of the poem ‘Home Thoughts from Abroad’?

16 / 25

G. B. Shaw began his literary career first as:

17 / 25

Where is expressed the view that ‘There is a divinity that shapes our ends’?

18 / 25

‘The Daffodils’ is a   poem   written by:

19 / 25

Who believed that Shakespeare did much better in Comedy than in tragedy?

20 / 25

‘The Ring and the Book’ is a poem written by:

21 / 25

Charles Lamb’s "Dream Children" is notable for its:

22 / 25

Which of the plays is not written by T. S. Eliot?

23 / 25

It was the best of times, it was the worst of time, it was the worst - the opening of  Dickens’:

24 / 25

Who is the writer of The Old English Period?

25 / 25

‘The Flea’ by John Donne is.........

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