1). Expert Systems are part of the general area of research known as:
a). AI
b). ES
c). Student
d). Rand
e). None of these
2). In the future, users of a computer system may identify themselves by entering a:
a). Hard Print
b). Soft print
c). Voice print
d). Digital
e). None of the above
3). The most prominent system in the retail sales industry is the _______System:
a). POS (point-of-scale)
c). ACM
d). PC/XT
e). None of the above
4). The integration of the computer with manufacturing is called:
a). CAM
b). CAD
c). Computer manufacturing Â
d). all of the above
e). None of the above
5). A __________ purpose computer is designed for a specific application:
a). Special
b). Analog
c). Hybrid
d). Digital
e). None of the above
6). Actuarial accounting system is associated with the _______industry:
a). Insurance
b). Reliable
c). Consistent
d). Exhaustive
e). None of the above
7). Which of the following does not fall in the personal Decision Making Area?
a). Pay rolls
b). Cash flow analysis Â
c). Income Tax assessment and recovery
d). Person’s experience
e). None of the above
8). A variable that has no physical meaning and is used to obtain initial basic feasible solution to a linear programming problem is known as:
a). Basic
b). Algorithm
c). Artificial variable
d). Basic variable
e). None of the above
9). QUB is an example of _______systems:
a). Problem-solving
b). Inventory
c). Artificial variable
d). Basic Variable
e). None of the above
10). Slack is the calculated time span within which the even must occur:
a). True
b). False
c). Cannot be said
d). All the above
e). None of the above
11). The latest time that the event can be delayed with delaying the completion of the entire project in PERT chart is:
a). Earliest allowable time
b). Latest allowable time
c). Earliest pass
d). Latest pass
e). None of the above
12). How much should an organization spend for information can be determined by some type of a:
a). Cost analysis
b). Benefit analysis
c). Cost-benefit analysis
d). any of the above
e). None of the above
13). Anthony suggested that the area of management planning and control be segmented into:
a). Operational control
b). Strategic planning
c). Management control
d). All of the above
e). None of the above
14). A transportation problem in which the total supply available at the origins exactly satisfies the total demand required at the destinations is known as:
a). Degenerate Solution
b). Balanced transpiration problem
c). unbalanced transpiration problem
d). all the above
e). None of the above
15). Operations Research came into being due to
a). Medical reasons
b). Military reasons
c). Educational reasons
d). To improve transpiration
e). None of the above
16). The funds management subsystems attempt to:
a). Increase cash
b). Decrease cash output
c). Balance cash inflow
d). all the above
e). None of the above
17). A turnaround document can be a (n):
a). Punch card
b). OCR document
c). Neither (a) nor (b)
d). None of the above
18). Header Labels contain:
a). Creation data
b). Control totals
c). both a and b
d). None of the above
19). Detected money errors are corrected with:
a). Debit entries
b). Credit entries
c). Both a and b
d). None of the above
20). In the financial Decision Making System which of the following is not a transaction processing system input:
a). Cash receipts
b). Cash returns
c). Cash issues
d). Warehouse requisition ship
e). None of the above
21). The model base contains programs:
a). Written by the firm’s programmers
b). provided by the computer vendor
c). purchased from outside firms, such as software houses
d). all of the above
e). None of the above
22). Management has become more complex because:
a). There is less tie to react to competitive actions
b). The equipment used in many of the firm’s activities has become more complex
c). Firms have become larger
d). All of the above
e). None of the above
23). What data most likely would not be keyed into order entry subsystem?
a). item quality
b). Customer number
c). Item number
d). Item cost
e). None of the above
24). The engineering change control system makes changes in the:
a). Operations file
b). production schedule
c). work force data
d). all of the above
e). None of the above
25). Corporate modeling Software can be used for:
a). Cash planning
b). Operational budgeting
c). capital budgeting
d). all of the above
e). None of the above